Guys, Something to consider when planning to develop a firewire audio interface... I'm still unable to get decent jackd/alsa performance (sub 50ms latency and clear sound w/full duplex) with my seemingly well supported USB emi 2|6. I mean has anyone gotten decent low latency (sub 12ms) performance with a full-duplex USB device? (BTW, yes I have appropriate patches applied, I'm able to get decent latency/performance from my onboard generic Intel Corp. 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) chip. It did work better before jack periods were forced to be powers of 2.) Anyway, to get to the point... isn't it true that firewire by virtue of it's similar-to-USB-nature suffers from the same limitations as USB? Iirc I was told that whatever limitations causing the (IMO) extreme suckage of USB audio on linux will be present in a firewire interface. I'm speaking from distant memory here as I've given up on my ~$400 USB investment, which now collects dust. What a shame it would be to expend effort and $$$ to find there's some <cat /dev/random> issue that prevents firewire audio from working acceptably. -ry