mik wrote: > a certain jonathan segel <jsegel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > >>if you do end up recording bats, and slowing them into audio range, i >>for one would like to hear the files! >> > > > http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/soundfx/batsounds.shtml you (original poster, I don't have the first post anymore) might also consider other animals - small rodents, cats. Cats hear up to about 60kHz (that's what I remember, even if it's not the right number they hear a lot higher frequencies than we do), it was explained in the book I read that that's what they need to be able to hear the small rodents (so I guess small rodents emit sounds up to about 60kHz), plus cats use higher frequencies to communicate among themselves (that's why you only hear them doing the meow sounds when they are around humans). erik