On Fri Jun 25 10:26:29 2004 Marv Smoak wrote: > On Friday 25 June 2004 08:09 am, tim hall wrote (and I snipped): > > Last Thursday 24 June 2004 18:26, Marv Smoak was like: > > > When I'm viewing a message in the archive, and click on Reply, the > > > message to which I'm replying is not quoted in the compose-message > > > screen. I'm sure I can solve this by cut/paste manually. Is > > > there a way to setup the mail program to generate the quote of the > > > the replied-to message automatically as when the original message > > > is in my mailbox? Or is this a limitation of the archive setup? > > > > kmail should do this by default. maybe you have an old version. It > > _should_ be obvious in Settings > Configure KMail >> Composer, but > > YMwpV ;-) > > It's not a function of the list set-up AFAIK. > > > Yes, KMail does it fine if I'm viewing the message with KMail. But if > I've deleted the message from KMail and go to the archive with the > browser and use the reply link on the archive webpage, the message is > not quoted. > I did some Google'ing and this does appear to be a limitation of the > mailto: link in HTML for any web site; mailto: just can't do that, I > think. (I also noticed that the PlanetCCRMA archive doesn't have a > reply link.) So it appears that cut/paste, manual quote is the only > way. In general this is bad practice because it starts a new thread with the same topic. This is due to the missing In-Reply-To line in the email header. After all it's better to avoid replying from the archives even if a reply link is present. -- Jan Weil My Linux Audio weblog: http://www.jawebada.de/index.cgi/blog/lad