On 24-Jun-2004 tim hall wrote: } Thanks Rick, } } Last Thursday 24 June 2004 06:33, RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx was like: } > Your {Debian} solution: } > _http://lists.agnula.org/pipermail/announce/2004-January/000026.html } } = compile it from source as per the last link. IRCAM represents more the } RedHat side of AGNULA (amongst many other things - I consider the } Institute's } foundation to be the marker point for 'modern' music as opposed to what } should be considered 'historical'). I know that Patrice Tisserand and } Francois Dechelle _are_ working on a Debian package, but they have a busy } schedule and I'm impatient / interested enough to have a go at compiling it } myself. Sorry... I just sort of assumed they'd have a deb if it's part of the distribution. They have binary rpms here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=72274&package_id=105855&re lease_id=208035 You can use alien to convert it to a .deb and then either install it {provided you have the required bits and pieces} or open it up and install the files manually. } > _A sort of primer: } > _http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=7432 } } Good, not seen that. } } > _IRCAM's "Compiling and running OpenMusic on GNU/Linux": } > _http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/article.php3?id_article=73 } } Yup, this is the article that made me think about trying to do it from } source. } I've only ever done straightforward ./configure; make installs that don't } involve dependencies. I wouldn't know where to start editing a makefile. } } Well, I know I have most of the necessary reading matter on my hard drive, } or } is googleable, I may as well download the sources and see what gives. I } expect I'll be posting some confused gcc output sometime soon ;-) :} With most stuff it's a matter of having all of the prereqs... and having the paths right so that everything gets mixed together properly. You might try just reading one... they're pretty straightforward. ---------------------------------- E-Mail: RickTaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: 24-Jun-2004 Time: 16:39:29 This message was sent by XFMail ----------------------------------