Hi Chris: Thanks for the tips, but they didn't work. Btw, I used lilypond-bin according to NE's apparently outdated instructions re: exporting to LilyPond. I ran 'convert-ly -f 2.2.0 dp-chorale.ly' but it made no difference to the lilypond executable, I still received the errors. I ran lilypond with the --verbose switch, the trace at the end of the error report states: lilypond --verbose dp-chorale.ly [snip] lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file dp-chorale (exit status 1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 867, in ? run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix) File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 292, in run_lilypond ly.exit (status) File "/usr/share/lilypond/2.2.0/python/lilylib.py", line 130, in exit raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i Exiting (256)... Cleaning /home/dlphilp/tmp/@22733.0lilypond... I've appended the dp-chorale.ly produced by NE, let me know if you can see any glaring lack. I'll also be testing Rosegarden's notation export this week. Any tips on exporting to LilyPond and/or other RG supported formats ? Best regards, dp Chris Cannam wrote: >On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 11:36 am, Dave Phillips wrote: > > >>NE's notes on exporting to LP mention some binaries that >>aparently are no longer part of LP, such as ly2dvi. Is that app now >>incorporated into lilypond and/or lilypond-bin ? >> >> > >ly2dvi has been renamed to lilypond, and lilypond has been renamed to >lilypond-bin. You almost certainly want to be running lilypond >rather than lilypond-bin -- though I guess there must be some reason >you chose to run lilypond-bin in the first place? > >This change happened in LilyPond 2.0, and I think the paper16.ly >change you mention was made in LilyPond 2.2, so it seems NoteEdit is >exporting older data than your LilyPond version. Try running the >convert-ly script (part of the LilyPond distribution) on your .ly >file to bring it up to date before running LilyPond. > > >Chris > > > > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % LilyPond output generated by % % "noteedit" % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \include "paper16.ly" flat = \markup { \raise #0.4 \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals--2" } sharp = \markup { \raise #0.6 \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals-2" } textcodaysym = \markup { \hspace #1 \raise #1.1 \musicglyph #"scripts-coda"} StaffAVoiceA = \notes\relative c' { \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t \clef violin \time 4/4 c''4 b8 [ a ] f4 e8 [ d ] | bes! [ a bes! c ] d [ e ] c4 | % 3 d c a d | c8 [ a f g ] a2 | % 5 f8 [ e ] f4 g8 [ bes! c bes ] | c4 r r d | % 7 r r c2 | c,4 d f2 | % 9 ges,! f | des'!8 [ es! ] des4 g8 [ f ] e!4 | % 11 d c bes!2 | a4 a'2 r4 | % 13 bes,!2 c | d g, | % 15 es'!1 | g, | % 17 f | \fatText g ^\markup{\large ritard.} | % 19 c \bar "|." } StaffAVoiceB = \notes\relative c' { \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t e'8 [ d ] c4 d8 [ c ] a4 f'8 [ g f e ] f4 g8 [ f ] a [ g a bes! ] c4. bes!8 a g4 f8 e2 d4 a'8 [ f ] e' [ d ] a4 g8 [ d' ] c [ bes! a g ] f [ c' ] bes! [ a g f ] es! [ bes'! ] a [ g ] d4 g a2 bes!4 as!8 [ ges! ] as!4 es! f8 [ ges! ] f [ es! ] des!4 c8 [ bes! ] a [ g ] a4 bes!2 a4 e'2 s4 d!8 g!4 c,8 bes! es!4 a,8 bes!4 c2 b4 c!1 bes! e4 d c b! c e! a d,! e!1 } StaffAVoiceC = \notes\relative c' { \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t a2 bes! c g f8 [ g a g ] f [ e f g ] a4 b cis!2 d1 es! s2 f4 g as!8 [ g ] bes! [ a! ] c2 des!8 [ c ] des!4 c8 [ des! c bes! ] as!2 bes!4 a!8 [ g ] f [ e ] f4 g8 [ f e d ] cis!4 cis'!2 s4 f,2 g g4 f es! d c d es!2 d4 c bes! a c2 d e f g1 } StaffA = \simultaneous { \context Voice="StaffAVoiceA" \StaffAVoiceA \context Voice="StaffAVoiceB" \StaffAVoiceB \context Voice="StaffAVoiceC" \StaffAVoiceC } \score { \simultaneous { \property Score.skipBars = ##t \property Score.melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy tieMelismaBusy) \context Staff="StaffA" \StaffA } \paper { linewidth = 170.000 \mm textheight = 250.000 \mm } }