On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 11:36 am, Dave Phillips wrote: > NE's notes on exporting to LP mention some binaries that > aparently are no longer part of LP, such as ly2dvi. Is that app now > incorporated into lilypond and/or lilypond-bin ? ly2dvi has been renamed to lilypond, and lilypond has been renamed to lilypond-bin. You almost certainly want to be running lilypond rather than lilypond-bin -- though I guess there must be some reason you chose to run lilypond-bin in the first place? This change happened in LilyPond 2.0, and I think the paper16.ly change you mention was made in LilyPond 2.2, so it seems NoteEdit is exporting older data than your LilyPond version. Try running the convert-ly script (part of the LilyPond distribution) on your .ly file to bring it up to date before running LilyPond. Chris