... > From: Russell Hanaghan <hanaghan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> > Subject: [linux-audio-user] New Asus Ath. XP 2500 Delta 1010LT > performance ... > I'm using it as a live fx processor) But if I try to run at 96000 it > pops and stuff even at higher intervals (512, 1024,etc). > > I guess I expected it should be able to do this no problem and I > would > get better fidelity as a result. What would the possible verdict be > here? > > Thanks in advance > > R~ > > > I can't tell you what is causing this but you probably won't get a noticeable improvement by switching from 48 to 96 kHz. Your speaker system (and your ears) are probably incapable of resolving >20kHz signals in a live PA-type situation. Audio professionals ( mixers, mastering engineers, etc - not manufacturers ) are still undecided whether higher sampling rates is a good thing. If you are looking for higher fidelity sound, your time will be much better spent examining the gain stages of your system ( matching the impedances of inputs and outputs, etc ) rather than trying to get hicher frequency response though your DSP box. -Ben Loftis