You might want to look at https://www.zynthian.org/.
ZynthianOS is a Bookworm based specialised musical Linux with a running jackd, which among other features provides sfizz, linuxsampler, fluidsynth etc. plus up to 16 chains (depending from your ressources) including mixer, mute, solo, balance, the possibility to integrate effects into the chains pre an post fader and so on.
It even comes with a set of more than 100 soundfonts preinstalled.
You can download just the OS here: https://os.zynthian.org/zynthianos-last-stable.zip
Just unzip, dd it to a µSD, put it in your RPi, connect Display, Keyboard, Mouse and a soundcard/MIDI interface of your choice and you are good to go.
No need to buy the hardware. I used it that way too for testing before I finally decided to buy...
Documentation to be found under wiki.zynthian.org
If your're talking about a fresh installed Bookworm, another fresh install of a Bookworm with everything ready to start might be a solution... ;-)
Am So., 9. März 2025 um 12:38 Uhr schrieb Atte Jensen <atte.jensen@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hmm, more questions:
1) Sfizz seems to have been relying on a website sfz.tools for most of
its documentation, but this domain is no longer active, have things
moved, and if so to where?
2) How do I build sfizz_jack from the sources OR download a .deb
compiled for arm64?
3) sfizz_jack opens with an interactive interface, which might prove
problematic if running a bunch of instances from a script. Should I
worry or is there a way to disable the interactive mode?
Sorry if the answers are obvious :-)
Den søn. 9. mar. 2025 kl. 11.42 skrev Atte Jensen <atte.jensen@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Thanks! I’ll have a look at sfizz which I already use (and love) with reaper.
> søn. 9. mar. 2025 kl. 11.29 skrev Jeanette C. <julien@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi Atte,
>> I don't konw which of them will run on a Pi, but:
>> sfizz will load SFZ files from the commandline. And of course LinuxSampler.
>> You can write a script and just telnet or netcat your setup into LinuxSampler.
>> HTH.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jeanette
>> --
>> * Website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
>> * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMS4rfGrTwz8W7jhC1Jnv7g
>> * Audiobombs: https://www.audiobombs.com/users/jeanette_c
>> * GitHub: https://github.com/jeanette-c
>> There's no time to loose
>> And next week,
>> You might not see me here <3
>> (Britney Spears)
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