On 10/10/2018 01:19 AM, Dale Powell wrote:
> nor Ubuntu Studio, the two releases based on XFCE,
> come with Wayland. Not sure why you would be using it on an XFCE system
> at all.... The way things currently stand not sure I'd use it on
> anything but a KDE/Plasma install.
I downloaded the 18.04.1 LTS, installed it over my existing 16.04 LTS
installation. It never prompted me about choosing between Wayland or X.
When I added XFCE4 to it after 18.04.1 was successfully installed, XFCE
either wouldn't start or it would freeze up. It still doesn't get along
with the Gnome3 privacy screen, either.
I found this post:
Where it states that the default Ubuntu 18.04 BB installation comes
Wayland enabled, and you need to disable Wayland to use X instead.
I would have been more inclined to believe the official Ubuntu Blog post
but if that wasn't your experience how can I argue. I've only installed
the Studio and the Xubuntu versions of 18.04 which I'm pretty sure were
And the official Ubuntu Wiki also says Xorg is the default, you have to
select/enable Wayland.
BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki
Introduction. These release notes for Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
provide an overview of the release and document the known issues with
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors. For details of the changes applied
since 18.04, please see the 18.04.1 change summary.The release notes for
18.04 are available as well.. Support lifespan. The 'main' archive of
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will be supported for 5 ...
Followup. Xubuntu 18.04.1 LTS successfully installed on my laptop,
without any Wayland/Xorg switchery although Ubuntu's Software Updater
doesn't seem to exist on Xubuntu. Added the KXStudio repositories and
now have a successful Ubuntu 18 music setup. :)
David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community
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