Greetings: Time is getting tighter for me these days, so I'm not always able to update the Linux soundapps sites as often as I'd like. As most of you know, I'm also not particularly pleased with the construction of the pages (plain old manually edited HTML), but I figure the present arrangement is serviceable enough to last a little while longer. Recently I've been considering how to update the sites more frequently, and I've come up with this idea: I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to assign the upkeep of certain sections of the pages to members of the community. Basically, you would ask to maintain a section, I'd say yea or nay (with about a 99.99% probability of a Yea), then whenever you wanted to update the section you'd send it to me and I'd put it on-line. It's getting to the point where I'm no longer able to decently cover every aspect of Linux audio software development by myself, and I need to find a way to more efficiently update the pages. So if you're interested in maintaining a section (or more) of the Linux soundapps pages, please write to me off-list and I'll go into more detail. Btw, you'll get credit in the section header. Does this sound at all feasible ? Best, dp