Hello, I'm am sure this is off topic but I am desparately seeking help. I am trying to figure out how the mixer/preamp/input card will coincide with each other. If I have a card with 4 inputs (either midiman digital or SB lives), I will be needing preamps. I looked at the M-Audio Audio Buddy, which seems like it simply has 2 XLR inputs and 2 1/4" outputs. That part is straightforward and I understand. However, I was looking at mixers and I got lost. I looked at a Eurorack (cant remember which model) for around $170. It had 4 XLR inputs, and the box said it had 4 mic preamp inputs. But, how do the outputs work? I was looking for 4 1/4" jacks marked "output 1" "output 2" and so forth. Where am I lost? Please forgive me for asking such newbie questions. I simply do not know where else to turn. I've searched the net high and low and didn't find the answers. Thank you very much in advance, Bryan