hehehe nice what kinda laptop is that? Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/contrib/zkm_meeting_2003/photos/frank_s_pd_madness.jpg > > > Jan \"Evil Twin\" Depner wrote: > >>Where? What photo? Where? >>On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 18:01, R Parker wrote: >> >>>Hi Frank, >>> >>>What's that Mad Scientist stuff that you're using with >>>PD? If it's DIY, do you have more photos and docs >>>online? >>> >>>The photo on LAD just isn't revealing enough--me, must >>>know more. :) >>> >>>ron >>> >>>__________________________________________________ >>>Do you Yahoo!? >>>Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more >>>http://tax.yahoo.com >> > > -- |\ _,,,---,,_ ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ HTTP 503: Too Busy |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL .::. www.iriXx.org .::. www.copyleftmedia.org.uk .::. gnupg key ID: AEB7A31E