> Yeah, same here. I think I just wiped the whole disk, installed linux then > installed XP (in a tiny partition in the end of the disk), then restored > GRUB. It was fine. I think I've used XP exactly once, to download some > docs to get the wireless card running in linux :) It crashed twice during > me looking for the docs :/ LOL! yes i've found xp tends to crash a bit as well although at least theres the win2k style process manager.... > > The machine was /highly/ alergic to win2k though, which some people had > told be was better than XP. I think the machine wanted the particular > distribution that comes from the hardware manufacturer, as a freinds > nearly identical laptop came with 2k, and that works fine. thats a strange one. worth knowing about. i have always preferred win2k, mainly because if you dont install the service packs theres no phone home evil spyware! thats why i call xp Borg edition... i really did NOT want to be using it, but the other reason i keep it on here is im totally broke, this was an investment i probably didnt need to be making but was urgent, so i need to bear in mind saleability if i get desperate... :(... this one's very much my baby now tho so i can see in future i might end up wiping the disk bwhahahahaaa... i really dont like being given a teletubby-style operating system... sooner i can get linux onto this baby the better... ok here i come partition magic 8..... m~ -- |\ _,,,---,,_ ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ HTTP 503: Too Busy |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL .::. www.iriXx.org .::. www.copyleftmedia.org.uk .::. gnupg key ID: AEB7A31E