hi all just wondering if anyone here is using a dell latitude cpx and if there are any issues installing linux on it?... or any known sound config issues? i am lamenting the sad demise of my thinkpad which blew a gasket last night :-(((. actually its going to be fine, its just the power socket has worked itself loose or blown a fuse (i.e. it boots fine from the battery which is by now very flat). so i had to get a new machine today... gasp! wasnt planning on that right away but as im writing a book, i've gotta keep working! the plan is to wait until my friend who knows how to repair the power socket is back from the USA. other issue i'm wondering about is installing linux alongside windows (barf!) xp... ughh... i swore i'd never use XP but its come pre installed. borg edition, yuck.... but i need it for work. so i'm thinking maybe with xp being so difficult, running lnx4win might be an idea, but would this be more demanding on system resources? i'd like to partition the drive but im not sure how to go about this on XP... yuk yuk yuk... win2k was easy enough though.... *sigh*.... any ideas muchly appreciated :) bw & thanx m~ -- |\ _,,,---,,_ ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ HTTP 503: Too Busy |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL .::. www.iriXx.org .::. www.copyleftmedia.org.uk .::. gnupg key ID: AEB7A31E