Hello, Module: Quectel EM120R-GL This module does not appear to work fully with the default SDX24 configuration. It appears to be another variant of the EM120R-GL (Also FCC-Locked by default). Issues: - Debug ports are missing (AT) - It only works over MBIM/QMI with Qualcomm's RMNET driver. - In QMI mode it's really unstable and unpredictable with the QMI port freezing up. Are there any missing channels in the SDX24 config or is this a hw/vendor issue. When using Quectel's drivers (and blacklisting mhi_pci_generic), all the ports are available. The configuration for other variants of the same module brings up the AT port ( with a recurring warning/error). >> [ 5074.472791] sequence number glitch prev=1 curr=0 mhi_qcom_sdx24_info ================== lspci: 0003:01:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc SDX24 [Snapdragon X24 4G] [17cb:0304] ports: mhi_hwip0 (net), mhi_swip0 (net), wwan2mbim0 (mbim), wwan2qcdm0 (ignored), wwan2qmi0 (qmi) mhi_quectel_em1xx_info =================== lspci: 0003:01:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc SDX24 [Snapdragon X24 4G] [17cb:0304] ports: wwan0 (net), wwan0at0 (at), wwan0mbim0 (mbim), wwan0qcdm0 (ignored)