Re: [PATCH v3 3/5] drm/msm/dpu: handle perf mode in _dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus()

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On 3/19/2024 1:43 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
On Tue, 19 Mar 2024 at 22:34, Abhinav Kumar <quic_abhinavk@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 3/13/2024 6:10 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
Move perf mode handling for the bandwidth to
_dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus() rather than overriding per-CRTC data
and then aggregating known values.

Note, this changes the fix_core_ab_vote. Previously it would be
multiplied per the CRTC number, now it will be used directly for
interconnect voting.

Signed-off-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov@xxxxxxxxxx>
   drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c | 39 +++++++++++++--------------
   1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c
index 87b892069526..ff2942a6a678 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_core_perf.c
@@ -118,21 +118,9 @@ static void _dpu_core_perf_calc_crtc(const struct dpu_core_perf *core_perf,

-     memset(perf, 0, sizeof(struct dpu_core_perf_params));
-     if (core_perf->perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_MINIMUM) {
-             perf->bw_ctl = 0;
-             perf->max_per_pipe_ib = 0;
-             perf->core_clk_rate = 0;
-     } else if (core_perf->perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_FIXED) {
-             perf->bw_ctl = core_perf->fix_core_ab_vote;
-             perf->max_per_pipe_ib = core_perf->fix_core_ib_vote;
-             perf->core_clk_rate = core_perf->fix_core_clk_rate;
-     } else {
-             perf->bw_ctl = _dpu_core_perf_calc_bw(perf_cfg, crtc);
-             perf->max_per_pipe_ib = perf_cfg->min_dram_ib;
-             perf->core_clk_rate = _dpu_core_perf_calc_clk(perf_cfg, crtc, state);
-     }
+     perf->bw_ctl = _dpu_core_perf_calc_bw(perf_cfg, crtc);
+     perf->max_per_pipe_ib = perf_cfg->min_dram_ib;
+     perf->core_clk_rate = _dpu_core_perf_calc_clk(perf_cfg, crtc, state);

               "crtc=%d clk_rate=%llu core_ib=%llu core_ab=%llu\n",
@@ -233,18 +221,29 @@ static int _dpu_core_perf_crtc_update_bus(struct dpu_kms *kms,
       struct dpu_core_perf_params perf = { 0 };
       int i, ret = 0;
-     u64 avg_bw;
+     u32 avg_bw;
+     u32 peak_bw;
Why were avg_bw and peak_bw values brought down to u32?

I think we might go higher so u64 was better.

       if (!kms->num_paths)
               return 0;

-     dpu_core_perf_aggregate(crtc->dev, dpu_crtc_get_client_type(crtc), &perf);
+     if (kms->perf.perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_MINIMUM) {
+             avg_bw = 0;
+             peak_bw = 0;
+     } else if (kms->perf.perf_tune.mode == DPU_PERF_MODE_FIXED) {
+             avg_bw = kms->perf.fix_core_ab_vote;
+             peak_bw = kms->perf.fix_core_ib_vote;
Instead of changing the value of avg_bw like mentioned in commit text, 
why cant we do avg_bw = fix_core_ab * (drm_mode_config::num_crtc);
Any reason you want to change it from "per CRTC fixed" to just "fixed"?

Now, the user who wants to hard-code this also needs to first account for number of CRTCs from the dri state and then program the fixed value using debugfs. Thats not convenient.
+     } else {
+             dpu_core_perf_aggregate(crtc->dev, dpu_crtc_get_client_type(crtc), &perf);
Where is this function dpu_core_perf_aggregate() defined? I dont see it
in msm-next
In the previous patch.

Sorry, my bad. I thought it had a different name in the prev patch :/

+             avg_bw = div_u64(perf.bw_ctl, 1000); /*Bps_to_icc*/
+             peak_bw = perf.max_per_pipe_ib;
+     }

-     avg_bw = perf.bw_ctl;
-     do_div(avg_bw, (kms->num_paths * 1000)); /*Bps_to_icc*/
+     avg_bw /= kms->num_paths;

       for (i = 0; i < kms->num_paths; i++)
-             icc_set_bw(kms->path[i], avg_bw, perf.max_per_pipe_ib);
+             icc_set_bw(kms->path[i], avg_bw, peak_bw);

       return ret;

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