On Wed, 2010-07-21 at 20:11 +0200, Michał Nazarewicz wrote:
Not really. This will probably be used mostly on embedded systems
where users don't have much to say as far as hardware included on the
platform is concerned, etc. Once a phone, tablet, etc. is released
users will have little need for customising those strings.
On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 20:19:08 +0200, Daniel Walker <dwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You can't assume that user won't want to reflash their own kernel on the
device. Your assuming way too much.
If user is clever enough to reflash a phone she will find the strings
easy especially that they are provided from: (i) bootloader which is
even less likely to be reflashed and if someone do reflash bootloader
she is a guru who'd know how to make the strings; or (ii) platform
defaults which will be available with the rest of the source code
for the platform.
If you assume they do want their own kernel then they would need this
string from someplace. If your right and this wouldn't need to change,
why bother allowing it to be configured at all ?
Imagine a developer who needs to recompile the kernel and reflash the
device each time she wants to change the configuration... Command line
arguments seems a better option for development.
And the configuration is needed because it is platform-dependent
so it needs to be set for each platform.
Best regards, _ _
| Humble Liege of Serenely Enlightened Majesty of o' \,=./ `o
| Computer Science, Michał "mina86" Nazarewicz (o o)
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