Re: [RFC] Bridging the gap between the Linux Kernel Memory Consistency Model (LKMM) and C11/C++11 atomics

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On 7/10/23 10:32, Jonas Oberhauser wrote:
Am 7/7/2023 um 7:25 PM schrieb Olivier Dion:
On Fri, 07 Jul 2023, Jonas Oberhauser <jonas.oberhauser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is a request for comments on extending the atomic builtins API to
help avoiding redundant memory barriers.  Indeed, there are
discrepancies between the Linux kernel consistency memory model (LKMM)
and the C11/C++11 memory consistency model [0].  For example,
fully-ordered atomic operations like xchg and cmpxchg success in LKMM
have implicit memory barriers before/after the operations [1-2], while
atomic operations using the __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST memory order in C11/C++11
do not have any ordering guarantees of an atomic thread fence
__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST with respect to other non-SEQ_CST operations [3].
The issues run quite a bit deeper than this. The two models have two
completely different perspectives that are quite much incompatible.
Agreed.  Our intent is not to close the gap completely, but to reduce
the gap between the two models, by supporting the "full barrier
before/after" semantic of LKMM in the C11/C++11 memory model.
Hi Jonas,

I think what you're trying to achieve has nothing to do with the gap at 
all. (But do check out the IMM paper for 
what is involved in bridging the gap between LKMM-like and C11-like 
What you're trying to achieve is to certify some urcu algorithms, 
without making the code unnecessarily slower.
You are correct. Ideally we also want to move away from maintaining our
own implementation of atomic operations in liburcu and just rely on
compiler atomic builtins to reduce overall complexity.

Your problem is that the algorithm is implemented using the LKMM API, and you want to check it with a tool (TSAN) meant to (dynamically) analyze C11 code that relies on a subset of C11's memory model.
There are two aspects to this:

1) The first aspect is with respect to the implementation of liburcu per
se. We have recently implemented changes to the liburcu master branch
which add support for C11 atomics and modify the liburcu algorithms to
add all hb relationships needed to make TSAN understand liburcu's RCU
and lock-free data structures implementation.

2) The second aspect is maintaining compatibility of a public API for
external users of liburcu. This is the main part that hurts when users
are building liburcu using the new "--enable-compiler-atomic-builtins"
configure option, because external users relying on LKMM style
atomic operations will observe a performance degradation due to those
duplicated barriers. This is the main target of the proposal discussed

What I still don't understand is whether using TSAN as-is is a formal 
requirement from the certification you are trying to achieve, or whether 
you could either slightly modify the TSAN toolchain to give answers 
consistent with the behavior on LKMM, or use a completely different tool.
Our requirement comes from ISC for their use of liburcu as a dependency
of the BIND9 DNS server. They use TSAN to validate BIND9, and asked us
to work on making liburcu's implementation understood by TSAN.

In our evaluation, the most direct route towards this goal was to
implement liburcu atomics in terms of C11 atomics, and adapt liburcu
algorithms to express hb relationships (e.g. release/acquire) in terms
of C11 where they were unclear.

This effort has various benefits, including:

- Add ability to validate liburcu's implementation and use with TSAN,
- Self-document liburcu's code by clearly expressing hb relationships,
- Reduce overall complexity by using C11 atomics rather than maintaining
  custom assembler for each supported architecture.

For example, you could eliminate the worry about the unnecessary 
barriers by including the extra barriers only in the TSAN' (modified 
TSAN) analysis.
In that case TSAN' adds additional, redundant barriers in some cases 
during the analysis process, but those barriers would be gone the moment 
you stop using TSAN'.
You would need to argue that this additional instrumentation doesn't 
hide any data races, but I suspect that wouldn't be too hard.
We have made the changes to liburcu that were needed to make TSAN happy,
and in order to make sure we let it keep track of hb relationships
within the liburcu implementation, this involved introducing
release/acquire relationship semantic in the code. I prefer this
fine-grained approach to the big hammer of adding extra TSAN barriers
because the latter approach prevents TSAN from having a deep
understanding of the hb relationships (AFAIU it can introduce

Another possibility is to use a tool like Dat3M that supports LKMM to 
try and verify your code, but I'm not sure if these tools are 
feature-complete enough to verify the specific algorithms you have in 
mind (e.g., mixed-size accesses are an issue, and Paul told me there's a 
few of those in (U)RCU. But maybe the cost of changing the code to 
full-sized accesses might be cheaper than relying on extra barriers.)
Our requirement to use TSAN comes from real-world users (BIND9), so
this is part of the problem statement. Extending TSAN (if needed) to
better understand liburcu would also be an option, but so far we have
not seen any need to do so.

FWIW your current solution of adding a whole class of fences to 
essentially C11 and the toolchain, and modifying the code to use these 
fences, isn't a way I would want to take.
I suspect the alternative there is to emit the duplicated fences (as
we currently do) and wait for the compiler to eventually do a better
job at eliminating those. It's good to receive the input from the
community on this topic, and this RFC is mainly a way to raise

I think all you can really do is bridge the gap at the level of the
generated assembly.  I.e., don't bridge the gap between LKMM and the
C11 MCM. Bridge the gap between the assembly code generated by C11
atomics and the one generated by LKMM. But I'm not sure that's really
the task here.
However, nothing prevents a toolchain from changing the emitted
assembler in the future, which would make things fragile.  The only
thing that is guaranteed to not change is the definitions in the
standard (C11/C++11).  Anything else is fair game for optimizations.
Not quite. If you rely on the LKMM API to generate the final code, you 
can definitely prove that the LKMM API implementation has a C11-like 
memory model abstraction.
For example, you might be able to prove that the LKMM implementation of 
a strong xchg guarantees at least the same ordering as a seq_cst fence ; 
seq_cst xchg ; seq_cst fence sequence in C11.
I don't think it's that fragile since 1) it's a manually written 
volatile assembler mapping, so there's not really a lot the toolchains 
can do about it and 2) the LKMM implementation of atomics rarely 
changes, and should still have similar guarantees after the change.
One aspect here is that we'd like to move away from maintaining our own
atomics implementation within liburcu.

The second aspect is linked to the definition of SEQ_CST atomic operations:
AFAIR, they are documented to be sequentially consistent
only with respect to _other_ SEQ_CST atomic operations and fences.
Therefore, anything written in assembly falls outside of the score of
this sequential consistency guarantee.

So although the implementation of the assembler won't change, nothing
prevents a future compiler from changing the implementation of C11 atomic
seq-cst operations in a way that breaks their interaction with the
hand-written assembler.

The main issue will be as we discussed before and below that TSAN will 
still trigger false positives.
If the issue was only TSAN false positives, we could extend either TSAN
or liburcu to make TSAN aware of those liburcu atomic operations.
This approach appears to globally add complexity compared to an approach
where liburcu just moves to C11 atomics though.


You mentioned that the goal is to check some code written using LKMM
primitives with TSAN due to some formal requirements. What exactly do
these requirements entail? Do you need to check the code exactly as it
will be executed (modulo the TSAN instrumentation)? Is it an option to
map to normal builtins with suboptimal performance just for the
verification purpose, but then run the slightly more optimized
original code later?
We aim to validate with TSAN the code that will run during production,
minus TSAN itself.

Specifically for TSAN's ordering requirements, you may need to make
LKMM's RMWs into acq+rel with an extra mb, even if all that extra
ordering isn't necessary at the assembler level.

Also note that no matter what you do, due to the two different
perspectives, TSAN's hb relation may introduce false positive data
races w.r.t. LKMM.  For example, if the happens-before ordering is
guaranteed through pb starting with coe/fre.
This is why we have implemented our primitives and changed our
algorithms so that they use the acquire/release semantics of the
C11/C++11 memory model.

Without thinking too hard, it seems to me no matter what fences and
barriers you introduce, TSAN will not see this kind of ordering and
consider the situation a data race.
We have come to the same conclusion, mainly because TSAN does not
support thread fence in its verifications.
That's also a concern (although I thought they fixed that a year or two 
ago, but I must be mistaken).
AFAIR TSAN rely on explicit hb relationships. Adding thread fences
in liburcu was not sufficient to let TSAN become aware of the hb
relationship guaranteed by RCU and lock-free data structures: we had
to explicitly "tag" release/acquire relationships with C11 atomics
within the liburcu implementation to make it work.

What I mean is that even if TSAN appropriately used all fences for 
hb-analysis, and even if you added strong fences all over your code, 
there are (as far as I can see) still cases where TSAN will tell you 
there's a data race (on C11) but there isn't one on LKMM.
AFAIU, the issue with barriers like "thread fence" is that it creates
implicit hb relationships between various loads/stores to memory which
are typically not relevant to track from a TSAN perspective. Therefore
I suspect the working set of loads/stores that would need to be
tracked by TSAN would become impractically large.



Mathieu Desnoyers
EfficiOS Inc.

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