> Presented "ACPI 5.0 in Linux" at Linux Plumber's Conference: http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/2012/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/LPC2012-ACPI5.pdf There was some hallway discussion about ACPI for ARM, but none in the forum. Notably, Grant Likely, the Linaro developer responsible for ACPI/ARM, was stuck in the UK. OTC has a reactive stance on ACPI/ARM. We maintain Linux/ACPI, and will thus accept patches from the Linux community if they want Linux to support ACPI/ARM. As yet, we've received no such patches or RFCs. I do see a lot of activity from Linaro on cpuidle, and very high interest in thermals and cpufreq. > Participated in Linux Kernel Summit, LPC, took some photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/106626681355613318425/2012SanDiego Linus valued Rafael's regression tracking summary e-mail. Rafael doesn't do this anymore. Volunteers are burnt out on it and SuSE no longer pays Rafael to do it. Linus doesn't use bugzilla because it is poor for initial sightings. More information is usually needed before an issue can be worked. Further, many submitters produce low signal/noise and an intelligent maintainer must work with them to get the needed info. Unfortunately, the community tends to translate this into "Linus thinks bugzilla is bad, so we should ignore it." Google stated that their useful testing is done with "internal applications", and that "available benchmarks tend to be out of date" Fengguang's automated build & test setup is well regarded. cpuidle BOF had Scheduler people (PeterZ) stating that the Scheduler should do the idle prediction logic and it makes no sense to duplicate it in cpuidle governor. This is a very promising prospect. My raw KS and LPC notes are attached, for those interested. > 2-week vacation at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico: https://picasaweb.google.com/BSA157/Philmont2012#5784140983380897058 All survived. Only one minor physical injury (I broke a toe).
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