On 2/20/2012 1:16 AM, Kirn Gill wrote:
Most of the space-savings comes from not having to duplicate the C
library around (due to static linking). If there was a shared library
mechanism (which someone once suggested via interrupt vectors - does
that even work?), then this space-savings would be far less.
That's not entirely true. Some of the commands are from sash, and have
tons of 1:1 copied code to split them into separate commands, and I have
fixed that up; some other commands shared routines as well, and those
are also combined. The C library is not the only duplication waste
involved. Additionally, commands like "true" and "false" are so trivial
that their .c files were destroyed in favor of pushing their code into a
single line in busyelks.c. I have yet to merge the usage() calls
together, but I've already packed a lot of stuff into one executable,
and it works as expected using the elksemu command. Once I get some of
the ugliness fixed up, I'll push this to Git.
13682 ./sed.o 13058 ./stty.o 11599 ./compress.o
10680 ./diff.o 8806 ./find.o 8582 ./sort.o
8423 ./ed.o 5592 ./banner.o 3647 ./tar.o
3549 ./ls.o 3105 ./cut.o 3021 ./test.o
2633 ./grep.o 2593 ./dd.o 2565 ./tail.o
2347 ./cal.o 2254 ./sash.o 2003 ./tr.o
1897 ./cksum.o 1869 ./date.o 1771 ./uniq.o
1696 ./xargs.o 1594 ./lib/wildcards.o 1594 ./du.o
1526 ./wc.o 1475 ./l.o 1419 ./busyelks.o
1299 ./write.o 985 ./cmp.o 820 ./head.o
785 ./more.o 779 ./mkdir.o 764 ./lib/copyfile.o
762 ./tee.o 738 ./rmdir.o 699 ./mknod.o
697 ./mesg.o 676 ./ln.o 580 ./cat.o
571 ./which.o 569 ./lib/sashlib.o 509 ./mv.o
477 ./chgrp.o 476 ./chown.o 437 ./lib/modestring.o
430 ./printenv.o 420 ./basename.o 358 ./mkfifo.o
343 ./chmod.o 334 ./cp.o 326 ./rm.o
314 ./dirname.o 301 ./touch.o 287 ./lib/timestring.o
269 ./lib/chunks.o 262 ./lib/buildname.o 243 ./echo.o
238 ./whoami.o 233 ./logname.o 201 ./yes.o
194 ./pwd.o 179 ./lib/stripslash.o 139 ./lib/isadir.o
134 ./usage.o 132 ./lib/basename.o
text data bss dec hex filename
51904 7576 37124 96604 1795c busyelks
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 59512 Feb 22 09:33 busyelks*
Jody Bruchon
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