I'm pleased to announce my development of a sub-project I am coining
"BusyELKS" which serves the same purpose for ELKS that BusyBox does for
larger Linux systems. I have spent most of my evening combining the
files under elkscmd/sh_utils into a unified binary that executes the
requested command based on its invocation name, and the savings just for
sh_utils is awesome! Ignoring the "uname" tool which currently does not
compile, the binary size total drops from 61920 to 46732, a whopping
15188-byte (24.5%) drop in size! See for yourself:
648 ../sh_utils/basename
7232 ../sh_utils/date
536 ../sh_utils/dirname
360 ../sh_utils/echo
212 ../sh_utils/false
536 ../sh_utils/printenv
1836 ../sh_utils/pwd
212 ../sh_utils/true
3788 ../sh_utils/which
1896 ../sh_utils/whoami
328 ../sh_utils/yes
1896 ../sh_utils/logname
7256 ../sh_utils/tr
8320 ../sh_utils/xargs
7900 ../sh_utils/mesg
16148 ../sh_utils/stty
2816 ../sh_utils/test
61920 total
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 46732 Feb 20 00:40 busyelks*
My preliminary binary isn't ready to be put to use yet; I still have
that pesky 64K barrier that I will have to fight with eventually, and
there are many more optimizations I haven't performed, but it's a start!
Even if I can only unify the utilities by category, we can look forward
to significant space savings from this effort. Once I've got the
structure cleaned up a bit and some disparities merged together, I'll
commit BusyELKS to Git. Stay tuned.
Jody Bruchon
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