----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Weiss" <cis_daytona@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <linux-8086@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 3:46 AM
Subject: New user wanting to help
Hi everybody,
Wondering how many other brain-damaged people are
intersted in this project :)
I guess still lots of us :-)
.. snip..
So... what can I lend a hand to?
The website could use
a little work,
Definitely, what we need is a wiki site so that everybody can contribute.
I am a bit disappointed that Rask Lambertsen's GCC port and the Dioscuri
emulator (which runs ELKS!) are not mentioned on the website, come on guys,
it can't be that much work to add some hyperlinks...
every site aside from the sourceforge
project page and cix.co.uk listed on the main site is
Also, I've come across some mail
archives other than what's lited on vger, which does
not exist. Or... maybe there's a 16-bit gcc patch
someone's been cooking and needs some authentic iron
to try it out on?
Yes please, Rask Lambertsen has done a great job in patching GCC for the
8086. Compiling ELKS under GCC is not going to be easy but IMHO will be very
beneficial for the wider embedded user community and hence will/might
increase the popularity of ELKS.
However, having said that, any contribution is welcome. Just work on what
you are interested in and publish the result on a webpage.
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