Hello all. I have a computer that I'm setting up as a fax server, and I've installed two US Robotics PCI Express modems (they use the Agere Systems chip set) in it. Both devices work fine separately. The system recognizes them, creates the device file and symbolic link. setserial, wvdial, and minicom all work with both of them. The problem I have is that only one device file is created, so I cannot use the two of them simultaneously. I have searched the Internet, and especially the archives for this list to no avail. Apparently, no one ever installs two of these devices into the same computer (or I don't know how to search, which is also entirely likely). So, my question is, how do I get a second device file created, or create one myself, that will allow the two modems to operate at the same time in the one computer? Thank you. -- Jason Flatt Computer and network service and support: http://www.flattandsons.com/ Father of seven: http://www.flattfamily.com/ (Joseph, 18; Cramer, 16; Travis, 14; Angela; Harry, 11; William, 5; and Dolly, 3) Linux user: http://www.ubuntu.org/ Drupal fanatic: http://drupal.org/