By definition, an infinite number of pieces of code (with most of the
code being irrelevant) can be invented in place of one double hit CTRL-C .
If what you wish to use are line commands, you can type ps ax |
grep wvdial
This will display one line showing the word wvdial (unless you have more
than one instance of wvdial running, or none) the first parameter of
which is the identification number of the process assigned to wvdial,
such as for example 7531. Typing an additional command kill 7531
will then do exactly the same thing as CTRL-C
Of course, you will not like this solution because you have to read
some output and then type it (or cut and paste with the mouse,...)
So you can make it a bit more complicated..
Not to bore you, let us go straight for a command aptly named ctrl-c
You create a file named ctrl-c with the editor, gedit for example
The contents could be:
ps ax | grep wvdial | grep -v grep > junk;
read v1 v2 < junk;
kill $v1;
rm junk;
This assumes that you have no file of any value named junk in the
folder where where you will place the file named ctrl-c
You save the file for example in folder /usr/bin/local
You make it executable by any user with the command
sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/local/ctrl-c
Then to stop wvdial you just need to open a new window or use an idle
window but not the one where wvdial is running , and in there you type
ctrl-c and wvdial will stop. Not ugly, like that way of holding both
CTRL and C in one hit.
Finally, if what you wish is to stop wvdial as if you were a happy
Windows user, that is, "just a click", you can use your display manager,
probably Gnome or KDE but any will do, to create a new button, create
or select some icon, and set it to be activated by command
Then, clicking the new button will nicely stop wvdial.
This link can provide for you an icon displaying the Ctrl key on a
keyboard. Editing the image (with GIMP for example) you can superimpose
the character C .
Real nirvana, right?
On 1/22/2010 11:54 PM, Ray Chandler wrote:
Great - thanks. 'sudo wvdial' works a treat.
One more thing though - is there a command to hang up when I've finished, rather
than just crudely pulling the modem usb plug out?
----- Original Message ----
From: Jeff Hunt<jeffhunt90@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Ray Chandler<raychandler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, 22 October, 2010 22:21:22
Subject: Re: pppd problem
This is a common problem (bug?) in Ubuntu. A dialup user needs to be
in both the dip and dialout groups to get the necessary rights to use
the required files - there are at least two more files that will cause
problems once you get past pppd -. The files need to have the
appropriate group set to write.
Ask again if you don't know how to do this.
An alternative is to run as root. Sudo wvdial.
On 10/22/10, Ray Chandler<raychandler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
With help from and this discussion group (many thanks), I
my Ubuntu 10.4 system talking to my Zoom 3095 usb modem, but after dialling
initial recognition, a ppp problem prevents completion of the ISP link.
The wvdial log says "Unable to run /usr/sbin/pppd" (although pppd is
at that location), followed by "Check permissions or specify a PPPD Path
in wvdial.conf"
Here's my wvdial.conf :
[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0&C1&D2 +FCLASS=0
Modem Type = USB Modem
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Phone = 08456600924
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
Username = (correct username shown)
Carrier Check = no
Password = (correct password shown)
Baud = 460800
Do I need to make changes here, or elsewhere, to get things working?
Thanks, Ray