Andre, Which Linux distro and kernel are you using. Best send us the ModemData output scanModem, as the automation route depends on the DIstro. MarvS On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 8:12 AM, kronos <kronos@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > > I finally managed to get slmodemd working on my IBM Thinkpad R40 that has a > Smartlink modem using SLMODEMD-gcc4.2.tar.gz. > > In the files.txt, it mentions a 'script' directory, but on my compilation, > there is none. I would like to automate the slmodemd commands ('slmodemd -a > -c CANADA modem:1') and have it automaticaly load, in the background, so I > can use PyWvDial without having to run manually slmodemd first. It would be > nice if it didn't have to be run as root. > > If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated. I'm > a bit brain-dead after a day's worth of fiddling with the stock version of > slmodemd shipped with Mandriva 2008.0, and various downloads of other > versions. > > > Thanks, > Andre > > > > > -- > Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: >