Re: 0x10573055 chipset faxing through /dev/pts/N ports? WAS: Alfredo, Spain, kernel 2.6.28-16-generic

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    My Spanish comprehension is far too poor to understand the status
of this problem.
Some more translation would help.
Also contacting the local SPanish Linux group through, might be useful.


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Arturo Neri <ciornjeja@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Alfredo
> Le indicazioni di Marvin sono corrette, solo rilevo che negli
> indirizzi dove prelevare i due file è indicato il nome in codice
> intrepid che corrisponde alla release 8.10 di Ubuntu mentre tu hai la
> versione 9.04 che ha nome in codice Jaunty. E molto probabile che le
> due librerie siano uguali ma per evitare rischi inutili ti consiglio
> di usare il sistema tradizionale per caricare i pacchetti dai
> repositori ufficiali di Ubuntu.
> Sistema->-Amministrazione->-Gestione pacchetti: Nella finestra che si
> aprira scrivi nel riquadro sotto "Ricerca veloce" libasound e sotto
> vedrai formarsi un elenco di voci che contiene le due librerie
> indicate da Marvin. Clicca col tasto destro nei due quadratini davanti
> alle due voci e nel menu seleziona "Marca per l'installazione" Poi
> clicca sul pulsante Applica nella barra dei pulsanti. Naturalmente
> devi essere collegato in rete per prelevare i due pacchetti dai
> repositori.
> Il file SLMODEMD.gcc4.3.tar.gz contiene il demone slmodemd gia
> precompilato e quindi indipendente dalla versione del kernel. Questo
> demone per funzionare a bisogno di un driver di basso livello. ( E
> spiegato nel file 1st_Read.txt)
> Il file Modemdata.txt che hai allegato alla tua richiesta dice che per
> il tuo laptop è indicato l'uso del modulo snd-hda-intel. Per sapere se
> detto modulo è montato digita lsmod e guarda se c'e nell'elenco.
> Senza questo modulo il demone slmodemd non pilotera il modem.
> Se e presente devi scompattare il file SLMODEMD.gcc4.3.tar.gz entrare
> nella cartella e digitare ./setup Questo installa il demone slmodemd
> quindi come scritto da Marvin: sudo slmodemd -c SPAIN --alsa hw:0,6
> Buon lavoro
> For Marvin Excuse me if I writed more and wrong.
> Arturo
> 2009/11/3 Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> After down load from
>> both packages can be installed with:
>> $ sudo dpkg -i libasound*.deb
>> Thereafter, there should be success with:
>> $ sudo slmodemd -c SPAIN --alsa hw:0,6
>> MarvS
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Alfredo M.H. <provisio@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Estimado Marv.
>>> Gracias una vez más por tu respuesta. He comprobado si tenía instalados los paquetes libasound2* y me faltaba sólo el libasound2-dev.
>>> Como veo que tú entiendes mucho mejor el español que yo el inglés, ¿podrías explicarme los pasos que tengo que seguir para instalar o compilar los drivers para poder usar el modem (como modem o como fax) en base a los datos acerca de mi PC que facilité en mi primer mensaje, por favor?. Descargué el paquete gcc4.3_alsa1.0.18.tar.gz pero no hice nada porque, como ya dije, cada archivo contenido en él dice muchas cosas y mi nivel de inglés no llega tan alto.
>>> Un saludo,
>>>                                Alfredo
>>>> Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 08:30:53 -0500
>>>> Subject: Re: FW: 0x10573055 chipset faxing through /dev/pts/N ports? WAS:     Alfredo, Spain, kernel 2.6.28-16-generic
>>>> From: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
>>>> To: provisio@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>> CC: ciornjeja@xxxxxxxxx; discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Alfredo
>>>>  x86_64 motherboards are supported.
>>>> However there must be installed some 32 bit libraries to support the
>>>> 32 bit compiled slmodemd.
>>>> Only a 32 bit slmodemd is available, because its code package has a
>>>> pre-compiled 32 component, as provided orginially by Smartlink.
>>>> The needed libraries to complement slmodemd are the 32 bit versions of
>>>> libasound2 and libasound2-dev.
>>>> If not already installed on your System by default, they can be
>>>> searched for at
>>>> MarvS
>>>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Alfredo M.H.  wrote:
>>>>> Hola de nuevo, Arturo.
>>>> Te escribo para decirte que no he instalado la versión de 32 bits
>>> de Ubuntu. Todavía estoy estudiando si actualizarme a la versión 9.10,
>>> pero, si lo hago, probablemente instale la versión de 64 bits otra vez
>>> porque, como ya dije en otra ocasión, tengo otro portátil con Windows
>>> XP y puedo usarlo para enviar fax mientras no sea más fácil hacerlo con
>>> Ubuntu.
>>>>> De todas maneras, muchas gracias por
>>> tu ayuda y perdona por el problema del texto del mensaje. La verdad es
>>> que ya tengo seleccionado texto plano, pero no sé por qué, muchas veces
>>> no funciona y tengo que re-enviarlo para que se pueda leer.
>>>>> Un saludo,
>>>>> Alfredo
>>>>>>> Date: Tue=2C 3 Nov 2009 09:02:18 +0100
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: 0x10573055 chipset faxing through /dev/pts/N ports? WAS: Alf=
>>>>>> redo=2C Spain=2C kernel 2.6.28-16-generic
>>>>>>> From: ciornjeja@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> To: provisio@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> CC: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx=3B marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx=3B discuss@linm=
>>>>>>> Ciao Alfredo
>>>>>>> prima di tutto devo chiederti se hai cambiato la versione di Ubuntu.
>>>>>>> Antonio ti ha scritto che nel file ModemData.txt si precisa che il tuo
>>>>>>> sistema scansionato era a 64 bits mentre il driver contenuto nel file
>>>>>>> SLMODEMD_gcc4.3_alsa1.0.18.tar.gz funziona SOLO su sistemi a 32 bits.
>>>>>>> Se lo hai fatto=2C devi dirmi se hai eseguito la procedura indicata da
>>>>>>> Antonio per installare o meglio dire compilare il driver.
>>>>>>> Nota a parte ti chiedo se puoi di rispondermi in testo piano e non in
>>>>>>> html perch=E8 le lettere accentate della lingua spagnola mi impediscono
>>>>>>> di leggere bene le tue risposte. Grazie
>>>>>>> 2009/11/2 Alfredo M.H. :
>>>>>>>> Hola=2C Arturo.
>>>>>>>> Antes de nada=2C muchas gracias por tu respuesta. Me ha sido mucho m=E1s=
>>>>>> f=E1cil comprenderla debido a la ra=EDz com=FAn de nuestros idiomas.
>>>>>>>> Conozco el programa efax-gtk=2C de hecho lo tengo instalado=2C pero me d=
>>>>>> a error a la hora de acceder al modem=2C de ah=ED la raz=F3n de mi consulta=
>>>>>> . Supongo que ser=E1 por lo que me comenta Marv de las funciones de audio q=
>>>>>> ue son necesarias para el fax.
>>>>>>>> =BFPodr=EDas decirme c=F3mo hiciste t=FA para conseguirlo? =BFTambi=E9n =
>>>>>> tuviste que instalar o compilar los m=F3dulos que me comentaron?
>>>>>>>> Un abrazo=2C y muchas gracias por tu ayuda=2C
>>>>>>>> =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=
>>>>>> =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=
>>>>>> =A0=A0=A0 Alfredo
>>>>>>>>>> Date: Mon=3D2C 2 Nov 2009 17:38:45 +0100
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: FW: 0x10573055 chipset faxing through /dev/pts/N ports? W=
>>>>>> AS:=3D
>>>>>>>>> Alfredo=3D2C Spain=3D2C kernel 2.6.28-16-generic
>>>>>>>>>> From: ciornjeja@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>> To: provisio@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>> CC: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx=3D3B marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx=3D3B discu=
>>>>>> ss@linm=3D
>>>>>>>>>> Alfredo
>>>>>>>>>> non conosco lo spagnolo e spero che tu capisca l'italiano.
>>>>>>>>>> Con Ubuntu 9.04 =3DE8 possibile spedire fax usando il programma Efax-g=
>>>>>> tk
>>>>>>>>>> che si trova nei repositori di Ubuntu. La procedura =3DE8 semplice=3D2=
>>>>>> C
>>>>>>>>>> bisogna preparare il documento in formato PDF o postscript=3D2C ma io =
>>>>>> non
>>>>>>>>>> so spiegarlo in spagnolo. Ma prima di tutto devi installare il modulo
>>>>>>>>>> che pilota il modem come indicato dallo scanmodem e scritto da
>>>>>>>>>> Antonio. Io spedisco e ricevo fax con Ubuntu.
>>>>>>>>>> 2009/11/2 Alfredo M.H. :
>>>>>>>>>>> Marv=3D2C Antonio.
>>>>>>>>>>> =3DA0De nuevo=3D2C much=3DEDsimas gracias por vuestras r=3DE1pidas y =
>>>>>> =3DFAtiles re=3D
>>>>>>>>> spuestas. A ti=3D2C Antonio=3D2C gracias adem=3DE1s por hacer de int=3D=
>>>>>> E9rprete=3D2C =3D
>>>>>>>>> porque=3D2C como ya os dije=3D2C mi nivel de ingl=3DE9s deja much=3DEDs=
>>>>>> imo que dese=3D
>>>>>>>>> ar.
>>>>>>>>>>> =3DA0En fin=3D2C viendo que va a ser imposible (o muuuuy dif=3DEDcil =
>>>>>> para m=3DED=3D
>>>>>>>>> ) usar este modem como fax=3D2C tendr=3DE9 que seguir usando el de otro=
>>>>>> port=3DE1=3D
>>>>>>>>> til con Win XP (el m=3DEDo=3D2C que tiene una partici=3D3DF3n con Vista=
>>>>>> que apena=3D
>>>>>>>>> s uso por lo malo que es ese sistema operativo=3D2C no tiene servicios =
>>>>>> para e=3D
>>>>>>>>> nviar fax y tampoco tengo ning=3D3DFAn programa comercial para hacerlo)=
>>>>>> . De m=3D
>>>>>>>>> omento=3D2C estoy bastante contento con Ubuntu 9.04=3D2C aunque=3D2C vi=
>>>>>> niendo del=3D
>>>>>>>>> mundo Windows=3D2C se echa en falta un poco m=3DE1s de facilidad en alg=
>>>>>> unas cu=3D
>>>>>>>>> estiones y alguna que otra funcionalidad en los programas habituales=3D=
>>>>>> 2C per=3D
>>>>>>>>> o bueno=3D2C todo es ir investigando y aprendiendo.
>>>>>>>>>>> =3DA0Un saludo y muchas gracias
>>>>>>>>>>> =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=
>>>>>> =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 Al=3D
>>>>>>>>> fredo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marv dice que el modem no se usa generalmente para hacer FAX aunque=
>>>>>> el
>>>>>>>>>>>>> archivo SLMODEMD esta competente para hacer FAX. El problema es que
>>>>>>>>>>>>> el modem usa un port verdadero /dev/pts/N con N siendo un numero y =
>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tienen la capacidad para sonido que se requiere para FAX.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3=
>>>>>> D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=
>>>>>> =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D=
>>>>>> 3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alfredo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: solo quiero usar el modem para enviar faxes de manera ocasional=
>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Concerning FAX=3D3D2C this can likely not be supported under Linux=
>>>>>> =3D3D2C =3D
>>>>>>>>> though
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the slmodemd utility is itself FAX competent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is that the modem uses the a true port /dev/pts/N (some=
>>>>>> nu=3D
>>>>>>>>> m=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ber)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Such /dev/pts/ ports do not yet have the capability for the SOUND
>>>>>>>>>>>>> support needed for fax.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> List if someone else has another experience concerning Faxing throu=
>>>>>> gh
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /dev/pts/ ports=3D3D2C please advise.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saludos=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/2/09=3D3D2C Marvin Stodolsky =3DA0wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alfredo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: solo quiero usar el modem para enviar faxes de manera ocasiona=
>>>>>> l.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Concerning FAX=3D3D2C this can likely not be supported under Linux=
>>>>>> =3D3D2C=3D
>>>>>>>>> though
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the slmodemd utility is itself FAX competent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is that the modem uses the a true port /dev/pts/N (som=
>>>>>> e n=3D
>>>>>>>>> um=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ber)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Such /dev/pts/ ports do not yet have the capability for the SOUND
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support needed for fax.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List if someone else has another experience concerning Faxing thro=
>>>>>> ugh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /dev/pts/ ports=3D3D2C please advise.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon=3D3D2C Nov 2=3D3D2C 2009 at 7:16 AM=3D3D2C Alfredo M.H. =3D=
>>>>>> 3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gracias a todos por vuestras respuestas=3D3D2C y perdonad nuevame=
>>>>>> nte p=3D
>>>>>>>>> or mi=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> baja
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comprensi=3D3DF3n del ingl=3D3DE9s. He bajado la versi=3D3DF3n de=
>>>>>> SLMODEMD=3D
>>>>>>>>> que me r=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ecomienda
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MarvS=3D3D2C pero ahora me encuentro con el mismo problema=3D3D2C=
>>>>>> porque=3D
>>>>>>>>> est=3D3DE1=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> repleto
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> de archivos en ingl=3D3DE9s y cada cual dice sus cosas y no s=3D3=
>>>>>> DE9 a q=3D
>>>>>>>>> u=3D3DE9 at=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> enerme.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Si alguien fuera tan amable de explic=3D3DE1rmelo en espa=3D3DF1o=
>>>>>> l y de =3D
>>>>>>>>> manera
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comprensible me ser=3D3DEDa de gran ayuda. Como dije en mi primer=
>>>>>> mens=3D
>>>>>>>>> aje=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D2C solo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quiero usar el modem para enviar faxes de manera ocasional.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bueno=3D3D2C repito=3D3D2C muchas gracias a todos y disculpad mi =
>>>>>> torpeza=3D
>>>>>>>>> (soy n=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> uevo en
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> el mundo Linux y se nota) y mi poco nivel de ingl=3D3DE9s. Un sal=
>>>>>> udo=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alfredo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Sun=3D3D2C 1 Nov 2009 18:36:52 -0500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Alfredo=3D3D2C Spain=3D3D2C kernel 2.6.28-16-generi=
>>>>>> c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CC: provisio@xxxxxxxxxx=3D3D3B discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alfredo=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Use the =3D3DA0SLMODEMD_gcc4.3_alsa1.0.18.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to match the ALSA version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll fix the bug in scanModem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanModem maintainer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun=3D3D2C Nov 1=3D3D2C 2009 at 3:08 PM=3D3D2C Antonio Olivar=
>>>>>> es
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3DA0wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alfredo=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanModem recommends that you get SLMODEMD.gcc4.3.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Predictive =3D3DA0diagnostics for card in bus 00:0f.0:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 Modem chipset =3D3DA0detected on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0NAME=3D3D3D"Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [Si=
>>>>>> S] Azal=3D
>>>>>>>>> ia Audi=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> o
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Controller"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0CLASS=3D3D3D0403
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0PCIDEV=3D3D3D1039:7502
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0SUBSYS=3D3D3D1043:1783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0IRQ=3D3D3D18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0HDA=3D3D3D1039:7502
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0SOFT=3D3D3D1039:7502.HDA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0HDAchipVendorID=3D3D3D1057
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0CHIP=3D3D3D0x10573055
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0IDENT=3D3D3Dslmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0SLMODEMD_DEVICE=3D3D3Dhw:0=3D3D2C6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Driver=3D3D3Dsnd-hda-intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0For candidate modem in: =3D3DA000:0f.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA00403 Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [S=
>>>>>> iS] Aza=3D
>>>>>>>>> lia Aud=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> io
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Controller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 Primary device ID: =3D3DA01039:7502
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 Subsystem PCI_id =3D3DA01043:1783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 Softmodem codec or chipset from diagnostics: 0x=
>>>>>> 1057305=3D
>>>>>>>>> 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0from =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0Archives:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 The HDA card softmode=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> m chip is 0x10573055
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Support type needed or chipset: =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0slmodemd =
>>>>>> supportin=3D
>>>>>>>>> g the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd-hda-intel audio+modem driver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0An ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) modem driver=
>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0snd-hda-intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0provides Low Level support enabling contact with the mod=
>>>>>> em ha=3D
>>>>>>>>> rdwar=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> e.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0For all BUT Conexant chip soft modems (using hsfmodem so=
>>>>>> ftwar=3D
>>>>>>>>> e)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0complementary High Level support is through a Smartlink =
>>>>>> utili=3D
>>>>>>>>> ty:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Download from
>>>>>> martl=3D
>>>>>>>>> ink/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.3.tar.gz having a compiled slm=
>>>>>> odemd=3D
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unpack under Linux with:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0$ tar zxf SLMODEMD.gcc4.3.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0and read instructions therein. But briefly=3D3D2C the mo=
>>>>>> dem is =3D
>>>>>>>>> setup w=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ith
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0sudo slmodemd -c YOUR_COUNTRY --alsa hw:=
>>>>>> 0=3D3D2C6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0reporting dynamic creation of ports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/N =3D3DA0 =3D3D2C with=
>>>>>> N some num=3D
>>>>>>>>> ber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Read DOCs/Smartlink.txt and Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt fo=
>>>>>> r fol=3D
>>>>>>>>> low
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through guidance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One problem is the Modem Interrupt Assignment=3D3D2C and wvdial=
>>>>>> is n=3D
>>>>>>>>> ot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For candidate card in slot 00:0f.0=3D3D2C firmware information =
>>>>>> and b=3D
>>>>>>>>> ootup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diagnostics are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0PCI slot =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0PCI ID =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =
>>>>>> =3D3DA0SubsystemID=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0Name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0---------- =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0--------- =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0-----=
>>>>>> ---- =3D3DA0 =3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0--------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA000:0f.0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA01039:7502 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA01043:178=
>>>>>> 3 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> Audio device: Sil=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> icon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Integrated Systems [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Modem interrupt assignment and sharing:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA018: =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA018017 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3DA0384 =3D3DA0 I=3D
>>>>>>>>> O-APIC-fasteoi =3D3DA0 HD=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> A Intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0--- Bootup diagnostics for card in PCI slot 00:0f.0 ----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0[ =3D3DA0 =3D3DA00.521688] pci 0000:00:0f.0: reg 10 32bi=
>>>>>> t mmio:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [0xfddf8000-0xfddfbfff]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0[ =3D3DA0 =3D3DA00.521724] pci 0000:00:0f.0: PME# suppor=
>>>>>> ted from =3D
>>>>>>>>> D0 D3hot =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> D3cold
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0[ =3D3DA0 =3D3DA00.521728] pci 0000:00:0f.0: PME# disabl=
>>>>>> ed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0[ =3D3DA0 11.242765] HDA Intel 0000:00:0f.0: PCI INT A -=
>>>>>>> GSI 1=3D
>>>>>>>>> 8 (leve=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> l=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> low) -> IRQ 18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0[ =3D3DA0 11.242865] HDA Intel 0000:00:0f.0: setting lat=
>>>>>> ency ti=3D
>>>>>>>>> mer to =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> 64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0The PCI slot 00:0f.0 of the modem card may be disabled e=
>>>>>> arly =3D
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0a bootup process=3D3D2C =3D3DA0but then enabled later. I=
>>>>>> f modem d=3D
>>>>>>>>> rivers lo=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0but the =3D3DA0modem is not responsive=3D3D2C read DOCs/=
>>>>>> Bootup.tx=3D
>>>>>>>>> t about p=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ossible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fixes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Send dmesg.txt along with ModemData.txt to discuss@linmo=
>>>>>> dems.=3D
>>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0if help is needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dialer utility package WVDIAL does not appear to be install=
>>>>>> ed =3D
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your System.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0For Ubuntu Jaunty users=3D3D2C there are at the bottom o=
>>>>>> f
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 for x86_=
>>>>>> 64=3D3D2C 64 =3D
>>>>>>>>> bit bus syste=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0fo=
>>>>>> r 32 bit syst=3D
>>>>>>>>> ems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0These are about 1 MB in size. =3D3DA0After downloaded an=
>>>>>> d copie=3D
>>>>>>>>> d into =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux partition:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0$ unzip wv*.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Within the new folder:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0will =3D3DA0complete the wvdial installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Please read Modem/DOCs/wvdial.txt for usage information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is however=3D3D2C a problem=3D3D2C since your system is x=
>>>>>> 86_64 b=3D
>>>>>>>>> it and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SLMODEMD only works in 32 bit. If you reinstall Ubuntu=3D3D2C t=
>>>>>> ry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reinstalling 32 bit to make the modem functional.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alfredo=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanModem recommienda SLMODEMD.gcc.4.3.tar.gz=3D3D2C pero tu si=
>>>>>> stema=3D
>>>>>>>>> es 6=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bits y SLMODEMD es solamente para 32 bits. =3D3DA0El modem si p=
>>>>>> uede
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> funcionar pero solo en 32 bits. =3D3DA0Tambien no tienes el arc=
>>>>>> hivo =3D
>>>>>>>>> WVDIA=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> L
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installado. =3D3DA0Si reinstalas Ubuntu=3D3D2C instala la versi=
>>>>>> on de 3=3D
>>>>>>>>> 2 bits =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> para
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> poder usar el modem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saludos=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/1/09=3D3D2C Alfredo M.H. =3DA0wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0 =3D3DA0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello=3D3D2C everybody.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before I pass to expose my problem=3D3D2C I'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like apologize for my level of English.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have an Asus notebook with this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> features: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU (T5800)=3D3D2C 4 Gb. RAM=3D3D2C=
>>>>>> 15.4=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3D94 WXGA=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D2C 320
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gb. HDD=3D3D2C DVD Sup. MTI=3D3D2C Graphic Card ATI Mobility R=
>>>>>> adeon H=3D
>>>>>>>>> D 3470 =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> (VRAM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 256 Mb.)=3D3D2C 802.11 b/g (Atheros AR928X) and -according to =
>>>>>> Vista=3D
>>>>>>>>> - a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Motorola SM56 Speakerphone modem/fax.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I use Ubuntu 9.04=3D3D2C and I'd like to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the modem to send faxes=3D3D2C but it seems that Ubuntu don't =
>>>>>> detec=3D
>>>>>>>>> t it.=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ran the scanModem tool but=3D3D2C due to my bad English unders=
>>>>>> tandi=3D
>>>>>>>>> ng=3D3D2C=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't know what to do.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like someone help me (if possible=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in Spanish=3D3D2C please) to I can using the modem-fax. Here a=
>>>>>> re th=3D
>>>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> content of ModemData.txt:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Only plain text email is forwarded by the=3D3DA0 Discus=
>>>>>> s@Linmo=3D
>>>>>>>>> dems.or=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> g List
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Server=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0as HTML can contain viruses. Use as the email Subject L=
>>>>>> ine:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0 YourName=3D3D2C =3D
>>>>>>>>> YourCountry=3D3DA0 kernel 2.6=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> .28-16-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0With this Subject Line cogent experts will be alerted=
>>>>>> =3D3D2C a=3D
>>>>>>>>> nd usef=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ul case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> names left in the Archive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0YourCountry will enable Country specific guidance. Linu=
>>>>>> x exp=3D
>>>>>>>>> erts =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YourCountry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0can be found through:
>>>>>> .html=3D
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They will know your Country's modem code=3D3D2C which may be e=
>>>>>> ssent=3D
>>>>>>>>> ial f=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dialup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Responses from Discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx are sometimes blocked by =
>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Internet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Provider mail filters.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0So in a day=3D3D2C also check the Archived responses at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------=3D3DA0 System information
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CPU=3D3D3Dx86_64=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux version 2.6.28-16-generic (buildd@crested) (gcc version =
>>>>>> 4.3=3D
>>>>>>>>> .3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #55-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 20 19:48:32 UTC 2009
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0scanModem update of:=3D3DA0 2009_09_15
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The modem symbolic link is /dev/modem -> ttySL0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The slmodemd set symbolic link is /dev/ttySL0 -> /dev/pts/0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dialer utility package WVDIAL does not appear to be instal=
>>>>>> led=3D
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> System.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For Ubuntu Jaunty users=3D3D2C there are at the bottom of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0
>>>>>> 3DA0 for x86_64=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3D2C 64 bit bus =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0
>>>>>> DA0=3D3DA0 for 32=3D
>>>>>>>>> bit systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are about 1 MB in size.=3D3DA0 After downloaded and copi=
>>>>>> ed in=3D
>>>>>>>>> to yo=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partition:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ unzip wv*.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Within the new folder:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will=3D3DA0 complete the wvdial installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please read Modem/DOCs/wvdial.txt for usage information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dkms driver upgrade utilities are installed=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some modem drivers can only be used in 32 bit modem on x86_64 =
>>>>>> sys=3D
>>>>>>>>> tem=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> s=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while some others are competent on x86_64 Systems.=3D3DA0 Case=
>>>>>> s are=3D
>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1)
>>>>>> 19.=3D
>>>>>>>>> htm=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> l
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the snd-hda-intel audio+modem driver. Also applicable to A=
>>>>>> C97=3D
>>>>>>>>> mo=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> dem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controllers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In both cases=3D3D2C 32 bit libraries must be installed to sup=
>>>>>> port =3D
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> helper having a precompiled 32 bit component.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) For USB modems using the slusb.ko driver. 32 bit libraries =
>>>>>> mus=3D
>>>>>>>>> t b=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed to support the slmodemd helper having a precompiled =
>>>>>> 32 =3D
>>>>>>>>> bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> component
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) The hsfmodem and hcfpcimodem drivers for Conexant chipsest =
>>>>>> mod=3D
>>>>>>>>> es =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x86_64 competent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0There are no blacklisted modem drivers in /etc/modprobe=
>>>>>> *=3D3DA=3D
>>>>>>>>> 0 files
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Potentially useful modem drivers now loaded are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 snd_h=
>>>>>> da_intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Attached USB devices are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0ID 0bda:0116 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Mass Storage D=
>>>>>> evice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0ID 04f2:b012 Chicony Electronics Co.=3D3D2C Ltd 1.3 MPi=
>>>>>> xel UVC=3D
>>>>>>>>> webcam
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0ID 03f0:0604 Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 840c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0ID 1241:1177 Belkin F8E842-DL Mouse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a cellphone is not detected=3D3D2C see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A sample report is:
>>>>>> 8.h=3D
>>>>>>>>> tml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a USB modem or cellphone is attached and was not detected=
>>>>>> =3D3D2C=3D
>>>>>>>>> plea=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> se
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide available information in your request to discuss@linmo=
>>>>>> dem=3D
>>>>>>>>> s.o=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> rg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For candidate card in slot 00:0f.0=3D3D2C firmware information=
>>>>>> and =3D
>>>>>>>>> bootu=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> p
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diagnostics are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0PCI slot=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 PCI ID=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3D=
>>>>>> A0 =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=3D
>>>>>>>>> 0 SubsystemID=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> Name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0----------=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 ---------=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3DA0 ---------=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 -------=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA000:0f.0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 1039:7502=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D=
>>>>>> 3DA0 1043:1783=3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> A0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Audio devi=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ce: Silicon Integrated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Systems [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Modem interrupt assignment and sharing:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA018:=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 18017=3D3DA0=3D3=
>>>>>> DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0 384=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 IO-APIC-f=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> asteoi=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 HDA Intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0--- Bootup diagnostics for card in PCI slot 00:0f.0 ---=
>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 0.521688] pci 0000:00:0f.0: reg 10 32bi=
>>>>>> t mmio:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [0xfddf8000-0xfddfbfff]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 0.521724] pci 0000:00:0f.0: PME# suppor=
>>>>>> ted from =3D
>>>>>>>>> D0 D3hot =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> D3cold
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 0.521728] pci 0000:00:0f.0: PME# disabl=
>>>>>> ed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 11.242765] HDA Intel 0000:00:0f.0: PCI INT A -=
>>>>>>> GSI 1=3D
>>>>>>>>> 8 (leve=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> l=3D3D2C low)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ 18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 11.242865] HDA Intel 0000:00:0f.0: setting lat=
>>>>>> ency ti=3D
>>>>>>>>> mer to =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> 64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0The PCI slot 00:0f.0 of the modem card may be disabled =
>>>>>> early=3D
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0a bootup process=3D3D2C=3D3DA0 but then enabled later. =
>>>>>> If modem =3D
>>>>>>>>> drivers l=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> oad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0but the=3D3DA0 modem is not responsive=3D3D2C read DOCs=
>>>>>> /Bootup.t=3D
>>>>>>>>> xt about =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fixes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Send dmesg.txt along with ModemData.txt to discuss@linm=
>>>>>> odems=3D
>>>>>>>>> .org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0if help is needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D Advanced Linux Sound Archi=
>>>>>> tecture (ALSA=3D
>>>>>>>>> ) diagnostics=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA packages provide audio support and also drivers for s=
>>>>>> ome
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA diagnostics are written during bootup to /proc/asound/ fo=
>>>>>> lde=3D
>>>>>>>>> rs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA verion is 1.0.18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The modem cards detected by "aplay -l"=3D3DA0 are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tarjeta 0: SIS966 [HDA SIS966]=3D3D2C dispositivo 6: Si3054 Mo=
>>>>>> dem [=3D
>>>>>>>>> Si305=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modem]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The /proc/asound/pcm file reports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-00: ALC660-VD Analog : ALC660-VD Analog : playback 1 : capt=
>>>>>> ure=3D
>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-06: Si3054 Modem : Si3054 Modem : playback 1 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about /proc/asound/cards:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA00 [SIS966=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3=
>>>>>> DA0=3D3DA0 ]: HDA-Int=3D
>>>>>>>>> el - HDA SIS966
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 HDA =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> SIS966 at 0xfddf8000 irq 18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0PCI slot 00:0f.0 has a High Definition Audio Card
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0The drivers are in the kernel modules tree at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0/lib/modules/2.6.28-16-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd=
>>>>>> -hda-=3D
>>>>>>>>> intel=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> .ko
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-in=
>>>>>> tel=3D
>>>>>>>>> .ko
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0The modem codec file for the HDA card is: /proc/asound/=
>>>>>> card0=3D
>>>>>>>>> /code=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> c#1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Codec: Motorola Si3054
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Address: 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vendor Id: 0x10573055
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subsystem Id: 0x10431316
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Revision Id: 0x100700
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modem Function Group: 0x1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0The audio card hosts a softmodem chip:=3D3DA0 0x1057305=
>>>>>> 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The softmodem chip 0x10573055 is in principle supported by the=
>>>>>> CO=3D
>>>>>>>>> MM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the joint snd-hda-intel audio+modem driver=3D3D2C begun wi=
>>>>>> th AL=3D
>>>>>>>>> SA ve=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> rsion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.0.13.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For HDA cards with ALC883 chips=3D3D2C an upgrade to ALSA veri=
>>>>>> ons 1=3D
>>>>>>>>> .0.15=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary. Instructions for Upgrading snd-hda-intel and its de=
>>>>>> pen=3D
>>>>>>>>> den=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> t
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> driver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> set are at:
>>>>>> 8.h=3D
>>>>>>>>> tml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If not a Conexant modem=3D3D2C the driver snd-hda-intel with i=
>>>>>> ts de=3D
>>>>>>>>> pende=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> nt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drivers:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd_hda_intel=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3DA0 559028=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> 6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd_pcm=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> A0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 99464=3D3DA0 4 snd_=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> hda_intel=3D3D2Csnd_pcm_oss
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D=
>>>>>> 3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 78920=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd_hda_intel=3D3D2Csnd_pcm_oss=3D3D2Csnd_mixer_oss=3D3D2Csnd_=
>>>>>> pcm=3D3D2Cs=3D
>>>>>>>>> nd_seq_oss=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D2Csnd_rawmidi=3D3D2Csnd_seq=3D3D2Csnd_timer=3D3D2Csnd_seq_devic=
>>>>>> e
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd_page_alloc=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0 18704=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> 2 snd_hda_intel=3D3D2Csn=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> d_pcm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide audio + modem support with the modem chip residing on =
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsystem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any particular card can host any one of several soft modem chi=
>>>>>> ps.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D Finished firmware and bootup diagnostics=
>>>>>> =3D3D2C nex=3D
>>>>>>>>> t deducing =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> cogent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Predictive=3D3DA0 diagnostics for card in bus 00:0f.0:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Modem chipset=3D3DA0 detected on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NAME=3D3D3D"Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Aza=
>>>>>> lia A=3D
>>>>>>>>> udio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Controller"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CLASS=3D3D3D0403
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PCIDEV=3D3D3D1039:7502
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUBSYS=3D3D3D1043:1783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ=3D3D3D18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HDA=3D3D3D1039:7502
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SOFT=3D3D3D1039:7502.HDA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HDAchipVendorID=3D3D3D1057
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHIP=3D3D3D0x10573055
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IDENT=3D3D3Dslmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SLMODEMD_DEVICE=3D3D3Dhw:0=3D3D2C6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Driver=3D3D3Dsnd-hda-intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0For candidate modem in:=3D3DA0 00:0f.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0 0403 Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [=
>>>>>> SiS] Az=3D
>>>>>>>>> alia Au=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> dio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Controller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Primary device ID:=3D3DA0 =
>>>>>> 1039:7502
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Subsystem PCI_id=3D3DA0 1043:1783
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Softmodem codec or chipset from diagnost=
>>>>>> ics: 0x10=3D
>>>>>>>>> 573055
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 from=3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Archives:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0 The HDA card softmodem chip is 0x10573055
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Support type needed or chipset:=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 slmodemd =
>>>>>> supportin=3D
>>>>>>>>> g the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd-hda-intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> audio+modem driver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0An ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) modem drive=
>>>>>> r:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd-hda-intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0provides Low Level support enabling contact with the mo=
>>>>>> dem h=3D
>>>>>>>>> ardwa=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> re.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0For all BUT Conexant chip soft modems (using hsfmodem s=
>>>>>> oftwa=3D
>>>>>>>>> re)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0complementary High Level support is through a Smartlink=
>>>>>> util=3D
>>>>>>>>> ity:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Download from
>>>>>> smart=3D
>>>>>>>>> link/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.3.tar.gz having a compiled sl=
>>>>>> modem=3D
>>>>>>>>> d. Un=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> pack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux with:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 $ tar zxf SLMODEMD.gcc4.3.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0and read instructions therein. But briefly=3D3D2C the m=
>>>>>> odem is=3D
>>>>>>>>> setup =3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 sudo slmodemd -c YOUR_COUNTRY --a=
>>>>>> lsa hw:0=3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> 2C6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0reporting dynamic creation of ports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/N=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3D2C with N=3D
>>>>>>>>> some number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Read DOCs/Smartlink.txt and Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt f=
>>>>>> or fo=3D
>>>>>>>>> llow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guidance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing DOCs/Smartlink.txt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3=
>>>>>> D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D end =3D
>>>>>>>>> Smartlink section =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D=
>>>>>> 3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Completed candidate modem analyses.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0The base of the UDEV device file system is: /dev/.udev
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Versions adequately match for the compiler installed: 4=
>>>>>> .3.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 and =3D
>>>>>>>>> the compiler used in kernel=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> assembly: 4.3.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Minimal compiling resources appear complete:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0 make utility - /usr/bin/make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Compiler version 4.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0 linuc_headers base folder /lib/modules/2.6.28-1=
>>>>>> 6-gener=3D
>>>>>>>>> ic/buil=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> d
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0However some compilations and executable functions may =
>>>>>> need =3D
>>>>>>>>> addit=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> files=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0in the FileNames.h (so called kernel "h"eaders) collect=
>>>>>> ion i=3D
>>>>>>>>> nstal=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> led
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/include/ .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0For martian_modem=3D3D2C additional required packages a=
>>>>>> re need=3D
>>>>>>>>> ed. The=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> required headers of package libc6 are commonly installed by de=
>>>>>> fau=3D
>>>>>>>>> lt.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Compiling hsfmodem drivers does require linux-libc-dev =
>>>>>> and l=3D
>>>>>>>>> ibc6-=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> dev
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> packages=3D3D2C for kernels 2.6.24 and later versions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0In not included on your install CD=3D3D2C search for th=
>>>>>> em at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0or comparable Repository for other Linux distros.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0When compiling ALSA drivers=3D3D2C the utility "patch" =
>>>>>> will al=3D
>>>>>>>>> so be n=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> eeded.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a driver compilation fails=3D3D2C with message including so=
>>>>>> me la=3D
>>>>>>>>> ck of=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FileName.h (stdio.h for example)=3D3D2C then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some additional kernel-header files need installation to /usr/=
>>>>>> inc=3D
>>>>>>>>> lud=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> e.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minimal additional packages are libc6-dev
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and any of its dependents=3D3D2C under Ubuntu linux-libc-dev
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If an alternate ethernet connection is available=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $=3D3DA0 apt-get update
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $=3D3DA0 apt-get -s install linux-kernel-devel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will install needed packages.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For Debian/Ubuntu related distributions=3D3D2C run the followi=
>>>>>> ng co=3D
>>>>>>>>> mmand=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> display the needed package list:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise packages have to be found through http://packages.ub=
>>>>>> unt=3D
>>>>>>>>> u.c=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> om
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once downloaded and transferred into a Linux partition=3D3D2C
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they can be installed alltogether with:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking pppd properties:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 -rwsr-xr-- 1 root dip 321600 2009-02-20 =
>>>>>> 19:26 /us=3D
>>>>>>>>> r/sbin/pp=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> pd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In case of an "error 17" "serial loopback" problem=3D3D2C see:
>>>>>> 37.=3D
>>>>>>>>> htm=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> l
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To enable dialout without Root permission do:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 $ su - root=3D3DA0 (not for Ubuntu)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 sudo chmod a=
>>>>>> +x /usr/sbin/pppd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or under Ubuntu related Linuxes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/pppd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking settings of:=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 /etc/ppp/options
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asyncmap 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noauth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> crtscts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lock
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hide-password
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proxyarp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lcp-echo-interval 30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lcp-echo-failure 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> noipx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In case of a message like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Warning: Could not modify /etc/ppp/pap-secrets:=
>>>>>> Permis=3D
>>>>>>>>> sion de=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> nied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>> 465=3D
>>>>>>>>> 6.h=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> tml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt concerning other COMM channels:=
>>>>>> et=3D
>>>>>>>>> h0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wlan0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wmaster0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which can interfere with Browser naviagation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Don't worry about the following=3D3D2C it is for expert=
>>>>>> s shoul=3D
>>>>>>>>> d troub=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> le
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shooting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be necessary.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3=
>>>>>> D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D=
>>>>>> 3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=
>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D3D=3D3D=
>>>>>> 3D=3D3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0Checking for modem support lines:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0--------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 /device/modem symbolic link:=3D3D=
>>>>>> A0=3D3DA0 lrwxr=3D
>>>>>>>>> wxrwx 1 root ro=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ot 6 2009-11-01
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:04 /dev/modem -> ttySL0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodemd created symbolic link /dev/ttySL0:=3D3DA0 lrwxrwxrwx =
>>>>>> 1 roo=3D
>>>>>>>>> t roo=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> t 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2009-11-01 16:04 /dev/ttySL0 -> /dev/pts/0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Within /etc/udev/ files:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Within /etc/modprobe.conf files:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem.conf:# Uncomment these entries=
>>>>>> in=3D
>>>>>>>>> or=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> der
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blacklist unwanted modem drivers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem.conf:# blacklist snd-atiixp-mo=
>>>>>> dem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem.conf:# blacklist snd-via82xx-m=
>>>>>> ode=3D
>>>>>>>>> m
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:options snd-atiixp-modem index=
>>>>>> =3D3D3=3D
>>>>>>>>> D-2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:options snd-via82xx-modem index=
>>>>>> =3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> 3D-2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Within any ancient /etc/devfs fil=
>>>>>> es:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Within ancient kernel 2.4.n /etc/=
>>>>>> module.conf=3D
>>>>>>>>> files:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- end modem support lines --------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for helping me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA=
>>>>>> 0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3D=
>>>>>> A0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D
>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=
>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0=3D3DA0 Alfredo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ______________________________________________________________=
>>>>>> ___
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inf=3D3DF3rmate=3D3D2C mantente en contacto y encu=3D3DE9ntral=
>>>>>> o todo=3D3D=3D
>>>>>>>>> 2C a la vez=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> . Con la
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nueva
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toolbar de MSN =3D3DA0nunca has tenido tantas ventajas en tan =
>>>>>> poco =3D
>>>>>>>>> espac=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> io.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> En tu material escolar no puede faltar el nuevo Pack de Emoticono=
>>>>>> s V=3D
>>>>>>>>> uel=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> ta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> al Cole =3D3DA0=3D3DA1Desc=3D3DE1rgatelo gratis! Es muy divertido
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3DBFSab=3D3DEDas que ahora puedes hablar por Messenger desde H=
>>>>>> otmail =3D
>>>>>>>>> con tod=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> os tus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contactos? Revisa tu correo mientras conversas con tus amigos.
>>>>>>>>>>>> =3D3D20
>>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Convierte las fotos que m=3D3DE1s te gustan en tu nuevo fondo de esc=
>>>>>> ritor=3D
>>>>>>>>> io par=3D3D
>>>>>>>>>>>> a el ordenador. Es f=3D3DE1cil y adem=3D3DE1s gratis
>>>>>>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Vive toda la experiencia de Messenger con Orange desde tu Blackberry =
>>>>>> =3DA1=3D
>>>>>>>>> Desc=3DFAbrelo!
>>>>>>>>> =3D20
>>>>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> =3DBFSab=3DEDas que ahora puedes hablar por Messenger desde Hotmail con=
>>>>>> todos t=3D
>>>>>>>>> us contactos? Revisa tu correo mientras conversas con tus amigos.=3D20
>>>>>>>>> =3D
>>>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Vive toda la experiencia de Messenger con Orange desde tu Blackberry =A1=
>>>>>> Desc=FAbrelo!
>>>>>> =20
>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>>>>> S=F3lo hay un loro experto en Windows 7 en todo el mundo. Y vive en Sietes =
>>>>>> =A1C=F3nocelo!
>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
>>> _________________________________________________________________

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