Re: Modem Scan,

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 Under Linux unpack with:
 $ unzip hsfmodem*.zip
 Then install with:
 $ sudo dpkg -i hsfmodem*.deb
 Subsequently, the modem should be found with
 $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
 Edit in your personal information with:
 $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
 and try dialing out with:
 $ sudo wvdial.
 See DOCs/Testing.txt  for details.

The hsfmodem support is very good, but there is a fee for activating
full speed service.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:52 AM, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here is another modem I managed top get. I hope this works out better.
> By the way, my country is Zimbabwe.
> On 21/10/2009, Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Denver:
>> The installed software is starting as intended.
>> The outstanding problem is most clean shown in your manual test:
>> $ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
>> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
>> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
>> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
>> Segmentation fault
>> -----------
>> with accompanying kernel messages:
>> [60258.740405] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A disabled
>> [60336.450068] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
>> [60336.450213] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
>> [60336.450251] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ
>> 17
>> [60336.452401] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
>> [60406.536479] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A disabled
>> [60479.588103] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
>> [60479.593321] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
>> [60479.593366] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ
>> 17
>> [60479.595391] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
>> [60644.302030] slmodemd[22309]: segfault at 0 ip 0806653c sp bf8ece70
>> error 6 in slmodemd[8048000+ef000]
>> This "Segmentation fault"/segfault   reports a very bad
>> incompatibility between your PCs particular hardware setup
>> and the Smartlink software, which is serving OK on other PCs.
>> Most likely other modem hardware will be needed, though sometimes
>> switiching to another kernel (changing Linux distro) helps.  Read
>> InfoGeneral.txt  about other modem alternatives.
>> MarvS
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Sorry for my delay in replying, too much work had 'befallen' me....
>>> Ok, step by step...
>>> 1)   ATDT330001
>>> The number for the IP is supposed to be just "330001" not "ATDT330001"
>>> The contents of my wvdial.conf is...
>>> [Dialer Defaults]
>>> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
>>> Modem Type = Analog Modem
>>> Phone = 330001
>>> ISDN = 0
>>> Username = username
>>> Init1 = ATZ
>>> Password = password
>>> Modem = /dev/ttySL0
>>> Baud = 460800
>>> Carrier Check = yes
>>> I tried commenting out the Init1 & Init2 with a ; (semicolon) but
>>> still no change.
>>> 2) When I type command
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ lsmod | grep ungrab
>>> ungrab_winmodem         9984  0
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ lsmod | grep slamr
>>> slamr                 435496  0
>>> On command...
>>> $ ls -l /dev/ttySL0   /dev/pts/*
>>> I get
>>> crw--w---- 1 denver tty  136, 0 2009-10-21 09:28 /dev/pts/0
>>> crw--w---- 1 denver tty  136, 2 2009-10-21 08:57 /dev/pts/2
>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root     10 2009-10-21 08:38 /dev/ttySL0 -> /dev/pts/1
>>> 3) The rest is the series of commands and the results I got....
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon restart
>>> [sudo] password for denver:
>>> Shutting down SmartLink Modem driver normally ... no slmodemd daemon
>>> running.
>>> Unloading modem driver from kernel ... slamr.
>>> Not starting SmartLink modem daemon (options not set in
>>> /etc/default/slmodemd)
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
>>> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
>>> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
>>> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
>>> ^Cdenver@denver-desktop:$ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon stop
>>> Shutting down SmartLink Modem driver normally ... no slmodemd daemon
>>> running.
>>> Unloading modem driver from kernel ... slamr.
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe -r slamr
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe -r ungrab-winmodem
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe ungrab-winmodem
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe slamr
>>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
>>> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
>>> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
>>> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
>>> Segmentation fault
>>> this happens while modem is making dialing sounds
>>> On 19/10/2009, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I will try this right away and let you know of the result. This stuff
>>>> is getting deep!!
>>>> The dial-out number is supposed to be just 330001. Let me do these
>>>> steps and I'll update you.
>>>> On 18/10/2009, Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Denver
>>>>> A few issues.
>>>>> 1)   ATDT33001
>>>>> 33001 seems a rather strange dialout number.  What is the full number
>>>>> of the IP (Internet Provider) that you are trying to log into?
>>>>> If you have to go through a switchboard, it is generally necessary to
>>>>> introduce a pause, using a comma. Each comma sets a one second delay
>>>>> such as 2 seconds in:
>>>>> Phone = 3,,3001
>>>>> if 33 is the switchboard access.
>>>>> 2) The files established by the
>>>>> $ sudo ./setup
>>>>> do provide for automated activation of the modem upon bootup.
>>>>> You can check after bootup with:
>>>>> $ lsmod
>>>>> and near the top of the list of loaded modules there should be:
>>>>> slamr
>>>>> ungrab-winmodem
>>>>> You can also filter for just these lines using "grep"
>>>>> $ lsmod | grep ungrab
>>>>> $ lsmod | grep slamr
>>>>> Also port creation should have occurred during bootup,  check with:
>>>>> $ ls -l /dev/ttySL0   /dev/pts/*
>>>>> whose output should include a line  like:
>>>>>     /dev/ttySL0 -->  /dev/pts/2
>>>>> 3) There is a kernel issue beyond our control, that typically blocks
>>>>> successive dialouts under one slamr loading.
>>>>> Thus between successive dialouts, cause unloading and reloading of
>>>>> drivers
>>>>> with:
>>>>> $ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon restart
>>>>> which will unload and reload the drivers and then run
>>>>> $ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
>>>>> Running slmodemd manually once it has been activated already, upon
>>>>> bootup, may be contributing to your Segmentation fault.
>>>>> If is OK to do all manually.  The command sequence would then be:
>>>>> $ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon stop
>>>>> unloading drivers with:
>>>>> $ sudo  modprobe -r slamr
>>>>> $ sudo modprobe -r ungrab-winmodem
>>>>> reloading:
>>>>> $ sudo modprobe ungrab-winmodem
>>>>> $ sudo modprobe slamr
>>>>> Activating the modem:
>>>>> $ sudo slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>>> which should announce  the /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/2 (or some other
>>>>> number)
>>>>> Then to dialout, open a 2nd console and:
>>>>> $ sudo wvdial  2>&1 | tee denver.txt
>>>>> The 2>&1  is necessary to pass through error messages.
>>>>> During your next report, do include the output after a dialout attempt
>>>>> of
>>>>> $ dmesg > dmesg.txt
>>>>> Attach the dmesg.txt in a  report back to the List, not direct to me.
>>>>> MarvS
>>>>> scanModem maintainer
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:17 AM, Jacques Goldberg
>>>>> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>> "It didn't write anything" because you missed the word    tee    in the
>>>>>> command
>>>>>> You typed :
>>>>>> sudo wvdial | wvdenver.txt
>>>>>> while I suggested
>>>>>> sudo wvdial | tee  wvdenver.txt
>>>>>> The "segmentation fault" is a bad problem.
>>>>>> When you see again a message that the other end is busy, could you dial
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> same number immediately with a normal phone not a computer not a modem,
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> check if the other end is really busy?
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> Denver Chiwakira wrote:
>>>>>>> Please find attached two files...
>>>>>>> One is the log of the window that I ran sudo slmodemd
>>>>>>> slmdenver.txt
>>>>>>> the other is the window where ran the sudo wvdial | wvdenver.txt
>>>>>>> wvdenver.txt
>>>>>>> (it didn't write any text to the file, but I copyied all that I see in
>>>>>>> the terminal window)
>>>>>>> So what happens is I hear the dial-tone, it dials & there is a sound
>>>>>>> (the proper sound you'd hear when you dial up - high pitch+static
>>>>>>> sound) but prematurely the dial-up sound mutes and both windows go
>>>>>>> back to prompt.
>>>>>>> I believe this will be the final error - I'm feeling like  should read
>>>>>>> the book "Linux for Dummies". I feel it's a simpler issue than
>>>>>>> everything else we've dealt with before.
>>>>>>> On 18/10/2009, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I don't know if I'm making things worse but... I have just run the
>>>>>>>> command
>>>>>>>> sudo slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>> and the response was
>>>>>>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
>>>>>>>> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
>>>>>>>> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
>>>>>>>> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
>>>>>>>> Now I'm attrempting to edit the wvdial.conf and manually add the
>>>>>>>> settings
>>>>>>>> I saw a sample like this on the net...
>>>>>>>> [Dialer Defaults]
>>>>>>>> Modem = /dev/ttyS1
>>>>>>>> Baud = 115200
>>>>>>>> Init1 = ATZ
>>>>>>>> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 S11=55 +FCLASS=0
>>>>>>>> Phone = 555-1212
>>>>>>>> Username = my_login_name
>>>>>>>> Password = my_login_password
>>>>>>>> Am not too sure about the Init1 & Init2 though.... I hope I wont make
>>>>>>>> things worse here...
>>>>>>>> On 18/10/2009, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> The new file still gave me the same error ....
>>>>>>>>> ...........
>>>>>>>>> ...........
>>>>>>>>> slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>>> Checking for success
>>>>>>>>> Port creation with slmodemd failed.
>>>>>>>>> Read the Slamr.txt record, other *.txt files and the sample
>>>>>>>>> wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>> Am I doing something wrong. I execute that file as follows
>>>>>>>>> $ tar -zxvf slamr-2.6.28-11-generic.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>> $ sudo ./setup
>>>>>>>>> On 17/10/2009, Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Done - Jacques
>>>>>>>>>> Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques,
>>>>>>>>>>>    Please replace the current package.
>>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>>    Just delete the old one and use this update.
>>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Marvin Stodolsky
>>>>>>>>>>> <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is the initial setup was:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  slmodemd -c  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>>>>>> which should have been
>>>>>>>>>>>>  slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>>>>>> This defective package should have been replaced at the Linmodems
>>>>>>>>>>>> site,
>>>>>>>>>>>> but I've just sent the replacement direct to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Antonio Olivares
>>>>>>>>>>>> <olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have connection problems and I am seldom online, so I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>> resending
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to list and see if they can provide better guidance:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> installing drivers for kernel version 2.6.28-11-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing record to ./Slamr.txt
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Installing the Debian packages supporting autoloading
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reading database ... 102049 files and directories currently
>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Preparing to replace sl-modem-daemon 2.9.11~20080817-3ubuntu2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (using
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sl-modem-daemon_2.9.11~20080817-3ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shutting down SmartLink Modem driver normally ... no slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>> daemon
>>>>>>>>>>>>> running.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unloading modem driver from kernel ... slamr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unpacking replacement sl-modem-daemon ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Setting up sl-modem-daemon (2.9.11~20080817-3ubuntu2) ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The system user `Slmodemd' already exists. Exiting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not starting SmartLink modem daemon (options not set in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/default/slmodemd)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Processing triggers for man-db ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Copying over newer files
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Making folder /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/extra
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Copying drivers to /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/extra
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking driver install
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slamr.ko
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slusb.ko
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem.ko
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Copying newer slmodemd to /usr/sbin/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking slmodemd version. Should be 2.9.11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 May 18 2009 18:31:59
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finished installs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Informing the System
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting function tests, loading drivers:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Running diagnostic:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.803655] slamr: module license 'Smart Link Ltd.' taints
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.818926] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.819053] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.819082] slamr 0000:00:0b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> low)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ 19
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.820222] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [11063.304155] slamr 0000:00:0b.0: PCI INT A disabled
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.853482] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.853648] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.853688] slamr 0000:00:0b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> low)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ 19
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.855508] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ports should be created by:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodemd -c  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking for success
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port creation with slmodemd failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read the Slamr.txt record, other *.txt files and the sample
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/15/09, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help Antonio. I managed to install the WVDIAL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slamr-2.6.28-11-generic is giving me some errors as attached.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On running the WVDIAL diagnostics it says that is cannot find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/dev/modem" . I suspect that there is a problem with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the slamr-2.6.28-11-generic. To make things worse I also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided in slmodem-2.9.11-20090222.tar.gz and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem-20090716.tar.gz but still no "/dev/modem" .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm quite new to the Ubuntu (version 9.08) and am slowly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way around it. I still feel far though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Denver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 14/10/2009, Antonio Olivares <olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanModem reports that your modem is supported by slamr which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided in slmodem-2.9.11-20090222.tar.gz and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem-20090716.tar.gz.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But you can even do better than that with a preloaded slamr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do download it, copy it to your linux partition and extract it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ tar -zxvf slamr-2.6.28-11-generic.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo ./setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and everything should be ready to go, except installation of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wvdial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which was not found on your system according to scanModem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Predictive  diagnostics for card in bus 00:0b.0:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     Modem chipset  detected on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NAME="Modem: Smart Link Ltd. SmartPCI2800 V.92 PCI Soft DFT "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CLASS=0703
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PCIDEV=2000:2800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUBSYS=163c:2800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ=19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IDENT=slamr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  For candidate modem in:  00:0b.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   0703 Modem: Smart Link Ltd. SmartPCI2800 V.92 PCI Soft DFT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      Primary device ID:  2000:2800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Support type needed or chipset:     slamr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The modem is supported by the Smartlink
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plus the slmodemd helper utility.  Read the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOCs/Smartlink.txt and Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt for follow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guidance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For 2.6.28-11-generic compiling drivers is necessary. As of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> October
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2007 the current packages at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  are the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem-20070505.tar.gz and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodem-2.9.11-20080126.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dialer utility package WVDIAL does not appear to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your System.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For Ubuntu Jaunty users, there are at the bottom of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   for x86_64, 64 bit bus systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    for 32 bit systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are about 1 MB in size.  After downloaded and copied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux partition:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ unzip wv*.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Within the new folder:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will  complete the wvdial installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please read Modem/DOCs/wvdial.txt for usage information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After installation of wvdial and slamr driver, run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and remove the ";" and add your username, password and ISP's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> phone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number add a line "Carrier Check = no" to your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Try to dialout and if you encounter trouble please report back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not me as I have been having connection The dialer utility
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WVDIAL does not appear to be installed on your System.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For Ubuntu Jaunty users, there are at the bottom of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   for x86_64, 64 bit bus systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    for 32 bit systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are about 1 MB in size.  After downloaded and copied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux partition:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ unzip wv*.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Within the new folder:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will  complete the wvdial installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please read Modem/DOCs/wvdial.txt for usage information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After installation of wvdial and slamr module, run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it should find /dev/ttySL0 as the modem port. edit the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and remove the ";" and add your username, password and ISP's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> phone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number and a line "Carrier Check = no", try to establish a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  If you encounter difficulties, please let us know (list) as I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been having connection problems at home.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/14/09, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm a begginer - is my modem compatible?

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