Re: Modem Scan,

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Here is another modem I managed top get. I hope this works out better.

By the way, my country is Zimbabwe.

On 21/10/2009, Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Denver:
> The installed software is starting as intended.
> The outstanding problem is most clean shown in your manual test:
> $ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
> Segmentation fault
> -----------
> with accompanying kernel messages:
> [60258.740405] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A disabled
> [60336.450068] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
> [60336.450213] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
> [60336.450251] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ
> 17
> [60336.452401] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
> [60406.536479] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A disabled
> [60479.588103] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
> [60479.593321] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
> [60479.593366] slamr 0000:00:09.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ
> 17
> [60479.595391] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
> [60644.302030] slmodemd[22309]: segfault at 0 ip 0806653c sp bf8ece70
> error 6 in slmodemd[8048000+ef000]
> This "Segmentation fault"/segfault   reports a very bad
> incompatibility between your PCs particular hardware setup
> and the Smartlink software, which is serving OK on other PCs.
> Most likely other modem hardware will be needed, though sometimes
> switiching to another kernel (changing Linux distro) helps.  Read
> InfoGeneral.txt  about other modem alternatives.
> MarvS
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Sorry for my delay in replying, too much work had 'befallen' me....
>> Ok, step by step...
>> 1)   ATDT330001
>> The number for the IP is supposed to be just "330001" not "ATDT330001"
>> The contents of my wvdial.conf is...
>> [Dialer Defaults]
>> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
>> Modem Type = Analog Modem
>> Phone = 330001
>> ISDN = 0
>> Username = username
>> Init1 = ATZ
>> Password = password
>> Modem = /dev/ttySL0
>> Baud = 460800
>> Carrier Check = yes
>> I tried commenting out the Init1 & Init2 with a ; (semicolon) but
>> still no change.
>> 2) When I type command
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ lsmod | grep ungrab
>> ungrab_winmodem         9984  0
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ lsmod | grep slamr
>> slamr                 435496  0
>> On command...
>> $ ls -l /dev/ttySL0   /dev/pts/*
>> I get
>> crw--w---- 1 denver tty  136, 0 2009-10-21 09:28 /dev/pts/0
>> crw--w---- 1 denver tty  136, 2 2009-10-21 08:57 /dev/pts/2
>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root     10 2009-10-21 08:38 /dev/ttySL0 -> /dev/pts/1
>> 3) The rest is the series of commands and the results I got....
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon restart
>> [sudo] password for denver:
>> Shutting down SmartLink Modem driver normally ... no slmodemd daemon
>> running.
>> Unloading modem driver from kernel ... slamr.
>> Not starting SmartLink modem daemon (options not set in
>> /etc/default/slmodemd)
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
>> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
>> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
>> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
>> ^Cdenver@denver-desktop:$ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon stop
>> Shutting down SmartLink Modem driver normally ... no slmodemd daemon
>> running.
>> Unloading modem driver from kernel ... slamr.
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe -r slamr
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe -r ungrab-winmodem
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe ungrab-winmodem
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo modprobe slamr
>> denver@denver-desktop:$ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
>> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
>> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
>> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
>> Segmentation fault
>> this happens while modem is making dialing sounds
>> On 19/10/2009, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I will try this right away and let you know of the result. This stuff
>>> is getting deep!!
>>> The dial-out number is supposed to be just 330001. Let me do these
>>> steps and I'll update you.
>>> On 18/10/2009, Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Denver
>>>> A few issues.
>>>> 1)   ATDT33001
>>>> 33001 seems a rather strange dialout number.  What is the full number
>>>> of the IP (Internet Provider) that you are trying to log into?
>>>> If you have to go through a switchboard, it is generally necessary to
>>>> introduce a pause, using a comma. Each comma sets a one second delay
>>>> such as 2 seconds in:
>>>> Phone = 3,,3001
>>>> if 33 is the switchboard access.
>>>> 2) The files established by the
>>>> $ sudo ./setup
>>>> do provide for automated activation of the modem upon bootup.
>>>> You can check after bootup with:
>>>> $ lsmod
>>>> and near the top of the list of loaded modules there should be:
>>>> slamr
>>>> ungrab-winmodem
>>>> You can also filter for just these lines using "grep"
>>>> $ lsmod | grep ungrab
>>>> $ lsmod | grep slamr
>>>> Also port creation should have occurred during bootup,  check with:
>>>> $ ls -l /dev/ttySL0   /dev/pts/*
>>>> whose output should include a line  like:
>>>>     /dev/ttySL0 -->  /dev/pts/2
>>>> 3) There is a kernel issue beyond our control, that typically blocks
>>>> successive dialouts under one slamr loading.
>>>> Thus between successive dialouts, cause unloading and reloading of
>>>> drivers
>>>> with:
>>>> $ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon restart
>>>> which will unload and reload the drivers and then run
>>>> $ sudo slmodemd -c USA /dev/slamr0
>>>> Running slmodemd manually once it has been activated already, upon
>>>> bootup, may be contributing to your Segmentation fault.
>>>> If is OK to do all manually.  The command sequence would then be:
>>>> $ sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon stop
>>>> unloading drivers with:
>>>> $ sudo  modprobe -r slamr
>>>> $ sudo modprobe -r ungrab-winmodem
>>>> reloading:
>>>> $ sudo modprobe ungrab-winmodem
>>>> $ sudo modprobe slamr
>>>> Activating the modem:
>>>> $ sudo slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>> which should announce  the /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/2 (or some other
>>>> number)
>>>> Then to dialout, open a 2nd console and:
>>>> $ sudo wvdial  2>&1 | tee denver.txt
>>>> The 2>&1  is necessary to pass through error messages.
>>>> During your next report, do include the output after a dialout attempt
>>>> of
>>>> $ dmesg > dmesg.txt
>>>> Attach the dmesg.txt in a  report back to the List, not direct to me.
>>>> MarvS
>>>> scanModem maintainer
>>>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:17 AM, Jacques Goldberg
>>>> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Denver,
>>>>> "It didn't write anything" because you missed the word    tee    in the
>>>>> command
>>>>> You typed :
>>>>> sudo wvdial | wvdenver.txt
>>>>> while I suggested
>>>>> sudo wvdial | tee  wvdenver.txt
>>>>> The "segmentation fault" is a bad problem.
>>>>> When you see again a message that the other end is busy, could you dial
>>>>> the
>>>>> same number immediately with a normal phone not a computer not a modem,
>>>>> to
>>>>> check if the other end is really busy?
>>>>> Jacques
>>>>> Denver Chiwakira wrote:
>>>>>> Please find attached two files...
>>>>>> One is the log of the window that I ran sudo slmodemd
>>>>>> slmdenver.txt
>>>>>> the other is the window where ran the sudo wvdial | wvdenver.txt
>>>>>> wvdenver.txt
>>>>>> (it didn't write any text to the file, but I copyied all that I see in
>>>>>> the terminal window)
>>>>>> So what happens is I hear the dial-tone, it dials & there is a sound
>>>>>> (the proper sound you'd hear when you dial up - high pitch+static
>>>>>> sound) but prematurely the dial-up sound mutes and both windows go
>>>>>> back to prompt.
>>>>>> I believe this will be the final error - I'm feeling like  should read
>>>>>> the book "Linux for Dummies". I feel it's a simpler issue than
>>>>>> everything else we've dealt with before.
>>>>>> On 18/10/2009, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> I don't know if I'm making things worse but... I have just run the
>>>>>>> command
>>>>>>> sudo slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>> and the response was
>>>>>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
>>>>>>> symbolic link `/dev/ttySL0' -> `/dev/pts/1' created.
>>>>>>> modem `slamr0' created. TTY is `/dev/pts/1'
>>>>>>> Use `/dev/ttySL0' as modem device, Ctrl+C for termination.
>>>>>>> Now I'm attrempting to edit the wvdial.conf and manually add the
>>>>>>> settings
>>>>>>> I saw a sample like this on the net...
>>>>>>> [Dialer Defaults]
>>>>>>> Modem = /dev/ttyS1
>>>>>>> Baud = 115200
>>>>>>> Init1 = ATZ
>>>>>>> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 S11=55 +FCLASS=0
>>>>>>> Phone = 555-1212
>>>>>>> Username = my_login_name
>>>>>>> Password = my_login_password
>>>>>>> Am not too sure about the Init1 & Init2 though.... I hope I wont make
>>>>>>> things worse here...
>>>>>>> On 18/10/2009, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> The new file still gave me the same error ....
>>>>>>>> ...........
>>>>>>>> ...........
>>>>>>>> slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>> Checking for success
>>>>>>>> Port creation with slmodemd failed.
>>>>>>>> Read the Slamr.txt record, other *.txt files and the sample
>>>>>>>> wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> Am I doing something wrong. I execute that file as follows
>>>>>>>> $ tar -zxvf slamr-2.6.28-11-generic.tar.gz
>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>> $ sudo ./setup
>>>>>>>> On 17/10/2009, Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Done - Jacques
>>>>>>>>> Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Jacques,
>>>>>>>>>>    Please replace the current package.
>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>    Just delete the old one and use this update.
>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Marvin Stodolsky
>>>>>>>>>> <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is the initial setup was:
>>>>>>>>>>>  slmodemd -c  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>>>>> which should have been
>>>>>>>>>>>  slmodemd -c USA  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>>>>> This defective package should have been replaced at the Linmodems
>>>>>>>>>>> site,
>>>>>>>>>>> but I've just sent the replacement direct to you.
>>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Antonio Olivares
>>>>>>>>>>> <olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have connection problems and I am seldom online, so I am
>>>>>>>>>>>> resending
>>>>>>>>>>>> this to list and see if they can provide better guidance:
>>>>>>>>>>>> installing drivers for kernel version 2.6.28-11-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing record to ./Slamr.txt
>>>>>>>>>>>> Installing the Debian packages supporting autoloading
>>>>>>>>>>>> (Reading database ... 102049 files and directories currently
>>>>>>>>>>>> installed.)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Preparing to replace sl-modem-daemon 2.9.11~20080817-3ubuntu2
>>>>>>>>>>>> (using
>>>>>>>>>>>> sl-modem-daemon_2.9.11~20080817-3ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Shutting down SmartLink Modem driver normally ... no slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>> daemon
>>>>>>>>>>>> running.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unloading modem driver from kernel ... slamr.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unpacking replacement sl-modem-daemon ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Setting up sl-modem-daemon (2.9.11~20080817-3ubuntu2) ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> The system user `Slmodemd' already exists. Exiting.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Not starting SmartLink modem daemon (options not set in
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/default/slmodemd)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Processing triggers for man-db ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Copying over newer files
>>>>>>>>>>>> Making folder /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/extra
>>>>>>>>>>>> Copying drivers to /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/extra
>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking driver install
>>>>>>>>>>>> slamr.ko
>>>>>>>>>>>> slusb.ko
>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem.ko
>>>>>>>>>>>> Copying newer slmodemd to /usr/sbin/
>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking slmodemd version. Should be 2.9.11
>>>>>>>>>>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 May 18 2009 18:31:59
>>>>>>>>>>>> Finished installs.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Informing the System
>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting function tests, loading drivers:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Running diagnostic:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.803655] slamr: module license 'Smart Link Ltd.' taints
>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.818926] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.819053] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.819082] slamr 0000:00:0b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level,
>>>>>>>>>>>> low)
>>>>>>>>>>>> ->
>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ 19
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 6118.820222] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [11063.304155] slamr 0000:00:0b.0: PCI INT A disabled
>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.853482] slamr: SmartLink AMRMO modem.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.853648] slamr: probe 2000:2800 SL2800 card...
>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.853688] slamr 0000:00:0b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 19 (level,
>>>>>>>>>>>> low)
>>>>>>>>>>>> ->
>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ 19
>>>>>>>>>>>> [11074.855508] slamr: slamr0 is SL2800 card.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ports should be created by:
>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodemd -c  /dev/slamr0
>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking for success
>>>>>>>>>>>> Port creation with slmodemd failed.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Read the Slamr.txt record, other *.txt files and the sample
>>>>>>>>>>>> wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/15/09, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help Antonio. I managed to install the WVDIAL
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slamr-2.6.28-11-generic is giving me some errors as attached.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On running the WVDIAL diagnostics it says that is cannot find
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/dev/modem" . I suspect that there is a problem with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the slamr-2.6.28-11-generic. To make things worse I also
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided in slmodem-2.9.11-20090222.tar.gz and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem-20090716.tar.gz but still no "/dev/modem" .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm quite new to the Ubuntu (version 9.08) and am slowly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> learning
>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> way around it. I still feel far though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Denver
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 14/10/2009, Antonio Olivares <olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Denver,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanModem reports that your modem is supported by slamr which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided in slmodem-2.9.11-20090222.tar.gz and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem-20090716.tar.gz.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But you can even do better than that with a preloaded slamr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do download it, copy it to your linux partition and extract it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ tar -zxvf slamr-2.6.28-11-generic.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo ./setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and everything should be ready to go, except installation of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wvdial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which was not found on your system according to scanModem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Predictive  diagnostics for card in bus 00:0b.0:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     Modem chipset  detected on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NAME="Modem: Smart Link Ltd. SmartPCI2800 V.92 PCI Soft DFT "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CLASS=0703
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PCIDEV=2000:2800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUBSYS=163c:2800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IRQ=19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IDENT=slamr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  For candidate modem in:  00:0b.0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   0703 Modem: Smart Link Ltd. SmartPCI2800 V.92 PCI Soft DFT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      Primary device ID:  2000:2800
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Support type needed or chipset:     slamr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The modem is supported by the Smartlink
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plus the slmodemd helper utility.  Read the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOCs/Smartlink.txt and Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt for follow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guidance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For 2.6.28-11-generic compiling drivers is necessary. As of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> October
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2007 the current packages at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  are the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ungrab-winmodem-20070505.tar.gz and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodem-2.9.11-20080126.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The dialer utility package WVDIAL does not appear to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your System.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For Ubuntu Jaunty users, there are at the bottom of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   for x86_64, 64 bit bus systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    for 32 bit systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are about 1 MB in size.  After downloaded and copied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux partition:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ unzip wv*.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Within the new folder:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will  complete the wvdial installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please read Modem/DOCs/wvdial.txt for usage information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After installation of wvdial and slamr driver, run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> edit it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and remove the ";" and add your username, password and ISP's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> phone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number add a line "Carrier Check = no" to your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Try to dialout and if you encounter trouble please report back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not me as I have been having connection The dialer utility
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WVDIAL does not appear to be installed on your System.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For Ubuntu Jaunty users, there are at the bottom of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   for x86_64, 64 bit bus systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    for 32 bit systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are about 1 MB in size.  After downloaded and copied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux partition:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ unzip wv*.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Within the new folder:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will  complete the wvdial installation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please read Modem/DOCs/wvdial.txt for usage information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After installation of wvdial and slamr module, run
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it should find /dev/ttySL0 as the modem port. edit the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and remove the ";" and add your username, password and ISP's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> phone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number and a line "Carrier Check = no", try to establish a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  If you encounter difficulties, please let us know (list) as I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been having connection problems at home.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/14/09, Denver Chiwakira <denversdesk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm a begginer - is my modem compatible?
 Only plain text email is forwarded by the  Discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx List Server,
 as HTML can contain viruses. Use as the email Subject Line:
           YourName, YourCountry  kernel 2.6.28-11-generic 
 With this Subject Line cogent experts will be alerted, and useful case names left in the Archive.
 YourCountry will enable Country specific guidance. Linux experts in YourCountry 
 can be found through:
They will know your Country's modem code, which may be essential for dialup service.
Responses from Discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx are sometimes blocked by an Internet Provider mail filters.
 So in a day, also check the Archived responses at 
--------------------------  System information ----------------------------
Linux version 2.6.28-11-generic (buildd@palmer) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009
 scanModem update of:  2009_09_15

Presently install your Linux Distributions dkms package. It provides for automated driver updates,
following upgrade of your kernel.  For details see

 There are no blacklisted modem drivers in /etc/modprobe*  files 

 Potentially useful modem drivers now loaded are:

Attached USB devices are:
 ID 14cd:6700 Super Top 
If a cellphone is not detected, see
A sample report is:

If a USB modem or cellphone is attached and was not detected, please
provide available information in your request to discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

For candidate card in slot 00:09.0, firmware information and bootup diagnostics are:
 PCI slot	PCI ID		SubsystemID	Name
 ----------	---------	---------	--------------
 00:09.0	14f1:2f30	14f1:2051	Communication controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem 

 Modem interrupt assignment and sharing: 
 --- Bootup diagnostics for card in PCI slot 00:09.0 ----
[    0.681213] pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 10 32bit mmio: [0xdfff0000-0xdfffffff]
[    0.681221] pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 14 io port: [0xec00-0xec07]
[    0.681258] pci 0000:00:09.0: PME# supported from D3hot D3cold
[    0.681265] pci 0000:00:09.0: PME# disabled

 The PCI slot 00:09.0 of the modem card may be disabled early in 
 a bootup process,  but then enabled later. If modem drivers load 
 but the  modem is not responsive, read DOCs/Bootup.txt about possible fixes.
 Send dmesg.txt along with ModemData.txt to discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 if help is needed.

=== Finished firmware and bootup diagnostics, next deducing cogent software. ===

Predictive  diagnostics for card in bus 00:09.0:
	Modem chipset  detected on
NAME="Communication controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem "

 For candidate modem in:  00:09.0
   0780 Communication controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem 
      Primary device ID:  14f1:2f30
 Support type needed or chipset:	hsfmodem

For owners of a Dell PCs with Conexant HSF modems, a driver source package with full speed enabled is available, but requires driver compiling. Read DOCs/Conexant.txt

 Under Linux unpack with:
 $ unzip hsfmodem*.zip
 Then install with:
 $ sudo dpkg -i hsfmodem*.deb
 Subsequently, the modem should be found with
 $ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
 Edit in your personal information with:
 $ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
 and try dialing out with:
 $ sudo wvdial.
 See DOCs/Testing.txt  for details.
 The directions following below need only be pursued, if the above procedures are not adequate.

Start at to find the
hsfmodem package matching your System. For several Linux distros, there are
precompiled drivers matched to specific kernels. These have within the FileName,
your KernelVersion:	2.6.28_11_generic
They can be found through 
A more precise location may be given a few paragraphs below.
If an EXACT Match with your your KernelVersion is not found, one of the 
"Generic packages with source" near the bottom of the page must be used.
Downloaded packages must be moved into the Linux partition (home folder is OK)
and unzipped with:
	unzip hsf*.zip
The installation command for a .deb suffic packages is, with root/adm permission:
  sudo dpkg -i hsf*.deb
while for .rpm suffix it is, with:
  rpm -i hsf*.rpm
 Read DOCs/Conexant.txt

Writing DOCs/Conexant.txt

 Completed candidate modem analyses.

 The base of the UDEV device file system is: /dev/.udev

 Versions adequately match for the compiler installed: 4.3.3
             and the compiler used in kernel assembly: 4.3.3

 The patch utility is needed and is needed for compiling ALSA drivers, and possibly others. 

 Minimal compiling resources appear complete:
   make utility - /usr/bin/make
   Compiler version 4.3
   linuc_headers base folder /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build

 However some compilations and executable functions may need additional files,
 in the FileNames.h (so called kernel "h"eaders) collection installed in  /usr/include/ .
 For martian_modem, additional required packages are needed. The also required headers of package libc6 are commonly installed by default. 
 Compiling hsfmodem drivers does require linux-libc-dev and libc6-dev packages, for kernels 2.6.24 and later versions.
 In not included on your install CD, search for them at
 or comparable Repository for other Linux distros.
 When compiling ALSA drivers, the utility "patch" will also be needed.

If a driver compilation fails, with message including some lack of some FileName.h (stdio.h for example), then
Some additional kernel-header files need installation to /usr/include. The minimal additional packages are libc6-dev
and any of its dependents, under Ubuntu linux-libc-dev

If an alternate ethernet connection is available,
$  apt-get update
$  apt-get -s install linux-kernel-devel
will install needed packages.
For Debian/Ubuntu related distributions, run the following command to display the needed package list:

Otherwise packages have to be found through
Once downloaded and transferred into a Linux partition,
they can be installed alltogether with:
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Checking pppd properties:
	-rwsr-xr-x 1 root dip 277352 2009-02-20 19:25 /usr/sbin/pppd

In case of an "error 17" "serial loopback" problem, see:

To enable dialout without Root permission do:
	$ su - root  (not for Ubuntu)
        sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/pppd
or under Ubuntu related Linuxes
	sudo chmod a+x /usr/sbin/pppd

Checking settings of:	/etc/ppp/options
asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

In case of a message like:
   Warning: Could not modify /etc/ppp/pap-secrets: Permission denied

Read Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt concerning other COMM channels: eth1
Which can interfere with Browser naviagation.

 Don't worry about the following, it is for experts should trouble shooting be necessary.

 Checking for modem support lines:
     /device/modem symbolic link:   
slmodemd created symbolic link /dev/ttySL0:  
     Within /etc/udev/ files:

     Within /etc/modprobe.conf files:
/etc/modprobe.d/sl-modem-daemon.conf:install slamr modprobe --ignore-install ungrab-winmodem ;  modprobe --ignore-install slamr; test -e /dev/slamr0 || (/bin/mknod -m 660 /dev/slamr0 c 242 0 2>/dev/null && chgrp dialout /dev/slamr0) 
/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2
/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem.conf:# Uncomment these entries in order to blacklist unwanted modem drivers
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem.conf:# blacklist snd-atiixp-modem
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-modem.conf:# blacklist snd-via82xx-modem
     Within any ancient /etc/devfs files:

     Within ancient kernel 2.4.n /etc/module.conf files:

--------- end modem support lines --------

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