Sorry Steve,
I missed in your original post that you succeeded getting connected with
wvdial, thus the problem is strictly with GnomePPP.
May I first ask if indeed wvdialconf detected the modem as /dev/537 ?
This is what your wvdial.conf, can you please confirm that it works?
Then can you tell me what the following command reports?
sudo ls -l /dev/modem
If it shows nothing, or if it shows anything else than a link pointing
to /dev/537 , can you please give the following command
sudo ln - sf /dev/537 /dev/modem
and then try GnomePPP again, and let me know the outcome?
I have difficulty to admit that an initialization string could be
responsible for not detecting the modem, and I would try GnomePPP with
its default strings, and perhaps even with nothing else than ATZ in
string 1. However you may have knowledge which I do not have about AT
commands needed by the 537 driver.
In case of further failure, may I ask if you know and have tried to
apply the following document?