Andre, Run the ./ script in martian-full-20080625/scripts/ folder. root@slax:~/martian-full-20080625/scripts# ls* martian*** wv.conf root@slax:~/martian-full-20080625/scripts# It will create /etc/rc.d/init.d/martian, setup martian to startup as a service so you don't have to su - everytime to startup martian modem. Please run it and test it to see that martian service is running after bootup, ie, $ su - passwd: # service martian status should tell you if martian service is running. Hope this helps, Antonio On 6/25/09, Andre Dubuc <aajdubuc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > > 1. Unless I su, martian_modem will not run. > > I have made a 'martian' entry under '/etc/modprobe.d' -- > (/etc/modprobe.d/martian) > > install martian_dev /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install > martian_dev; /usr/sbin/martian_modem (all on a single line) > > As well, I changed permissions on '/usr/sbin/martian_modem' to rwsr-xr-x (in > case that was what prevented the normal user to run it. > > 2. I also tried unsuccessfully to save /etc/wvdial.conf as > /home/andre/dummy/.wvdial.rc > No matter what combo I tried I received ' cannot create regular file > `/home/andre/dummy/.wvdial.rc': No such file or directory' > > How can I get these to work properly? > > Tia, > Andre >