Michael, I'll have time to assemble a driver installer for you this PM. But once you have installed dkms, merely rebooting or $ dpkg -i dkms-agrsm*.deb should do all, and also all further updates will be automatic. Sadly because of proprietary code, modems are not Officially supported by Linux distros. We are purely a group of volunteers trying to fill this gap. MarvS On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Michael NG <mng@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Thanks for trying. > > I'm afraid I am having to abandon this venture. > I have printed pages and pages of instructions and email exchanges, > and about half of them work and half of them don't. > > I finally found codec files but there were two of them. codec#0 and codec#1. > Located in /proc/asound/card0 > There were no # lines at the top of either of them. Also I do not have a card > > Isn't it quite unreasonable to ask an ordinary person to go through all this, > just to get his computer to dial? The system cannot find my modem, and after three > days of effort, it still can't find the modem. > > I will have to try getting to dial through XP > > > > Michael Nicoll-Griffith > > > >