Re: unable to connect with internal modem under Ubuntu

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I apologize for how long this is taking.  Your and Antonio's persistence in helping me is very generous.  

I tried the fix you mentioned below, but obtained the same result as before -- the last line still shows after running sudo route -n.  

If you think that discussing via Skype might help, please let me know in a private email message when is most convenient for you (please tell me your time zone as well).  

Would it be easier just to use another distribution of Linux?  Do other distributions work better with internal modems for dialup connections?

Thanks again,


--- On Thu, 12/18/08, Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Jacques Goldberg <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: unable to connect with internal modem under Ubuntu
> To: "D Brewer" <interscientific@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 9:36 AM
> Devon,
> Getting the Ubuntu networking tool to work is by no means
> trivial.
> This probably needs an experienced user's help.
> On the other hand there is no reason using this tool to
> disconnect your cable modem.
> I am not experienced with Ubuntu which becomes gradually
> frustrating every time I try to help somebody.
> You may consider using Skype (with your cable modem
> connected) to get voice instructions from a user familiar
> with the networking too.
> I can do that for you and I am  yanqele   on Skype.
> Thw reason why wvdial fails is clear.
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination Gateway  Genmask         Flags Metric Ref 
> Iface
> > UH    0      0   
>     0 ppp0
> >         U     0      0   
>     0 ppp0
> The third line shows the absence of a gateway necessary to
> forward data packets out of your computer.
> This is probably "one more joy of Ubuntu".
> It will probably be fixed (cannot guarantee) by adding this
> line to
> /etc/wvdial.conf  :
> Check Def Route = yes
> After having connected with that line added, execute again
> sudo route -n
> You should see a significant IP address ( is such
> an address) instead of the second chain of in the
> last line (this string is the default gateway address needed
> to send out data.
> If this field indeed comes out filled with a non null
> address, you should be able to browse.
> Waiting for the outcome, of course.
> Jacques
> D Brewer wrote:
> > Jacques and Antonio,
> > 
> > Thank you for bearing with me.  
> > Antonio, I made the edits to the resolv.conf file and
> re-enabled "Stupid mode = yes".  
> > Jacques, my attempts to connect via the Network
> Manager in Ubuntu were unsuccessful.  Nothing happens when I
> click on "Connect to ppp0 via Modem".  I know
> it's trying to do something, because if I try wvdial
> after clicking on "connect to ppp0 via modem"
> without disconnecting via the Network Manager, wvdial will
> show the connection is busy.  
> > I followed your directions for creating the dump.txt
> file while wvdial is running.  Here is the contents of that
> file:
> > 
> > eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr
> 00:19:21:b6:a4:36            UP BROADCAST MULTICAST 
> MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >           RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> frame:0
> >           TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> carrier:0
> >           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000           RX
> bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
> >           Interrupt:21 Base address:0xb800 
> > lo        Link encap:Local Loopback            inet
> addr:  Mask:
> >           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
> >           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
> >           RX packets:978 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> frame:0
> >           TX packets:978 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> carrier:0
> >           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0           RX
> bytes:48900 (47.7 KB)  TX bytes:48900 (47.7 KB)
> > 
> > ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol          
>  inet addr:  P-t-P: 
> Mask:
> MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >           RX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> frame:0
> >           TX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> carrier:0
> >           collisions:0 txqueuelen:3           RX
> bytes:135 (135.0 B)  TX bytes:166 (166.0 B)
> > 
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags
> Metric Ref    Use Iface
> > UH   
> 0      0        0 ppp0
> >         U    
> 0      0        0 ppp0
> > nameserver
> > nameserver
> > ### BEGIN INFO
> > #
> > # Modified_by:  NetworkManager
> > # Process:      /usr/bin/NetworkManager
> > # Process_id:   4869
> > #
> > ### END INFO
> > 
> > search Belkin
> > 
> > 
> > The "Belkin" probably refers to the router I
> have for my cable connection.  Several days ago, I had the
> Ubuntu box connected to the cable internet, but it has been
> physically disconnected in all the time since (during the
> whole period I've tried to connect via the modem).  
> > Thank you both for your help!
> > 
> > Devon
> > 
> > --- On Thu, 12/18/08, Jacques Goldberg
> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 
> >> From: Jacques Goldberg
> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx>
> >> Subject: Re: unable to connect with internal modem
> under Ubuntu
> >> To: "D Brewer"
> <interscientific@xxxxxxxxx>
> >> Cc: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >> Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 12:18 AM
> >> Did you try the Ubuntu  network management tool as
> I
> >> described last night, in place of wvdial?
> >> 
> >> Your problem with wvdial is almost certainly due
> to the
> >> impossibility to bring down an Ethernet or Wifi 
> interface.
> >> 
> >> If the problem persists, please proceed as
> follows:
> >> Open a additional terminal (console).
> >> In one of the terminals lauch   sudo wvdial   and
> do not
> >> stop it (no CTRL-C) , wait until you see
> >> 
> >>> ATDT495-1000
> >>> CONNECT 460800
> >>> --> Carrier detected.  Starting PPP
> immediately.
> >>> --> Starting pppd at Wed Dec 17 18:21:54
> 2008
> >>> --> Pid of pppd: 9054
> >>> --> Using interface ppp0
> >>> --> local  IP address
> >>> --> remote IP address
> >>> --> primary   DNS address
> >>> --> secondary DNS address
> >>> 
> >> and then the window becomes still
> >> 
> >> Go to the other terminal.
> >> Type    sudo ifconfig > dump.txt
> >> Type    sudo route -n >> dump.txt
> >> Type    sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf >>
> dump.txt
> >> 
> >> And send me the file dump.txt thus created.
> >> Pay attention, there is only ONE > , not two,
> on the
> >> first of the three commands (using 2 the first
> time is
> >> harmless, but if you have to do it again make sure
> you type
> >> only one.  > opens a new file, >> adds to
> an
> >> existing file or creates it if not found ).
> >> 
> >> D Brewer wrote:
> >>> Jacques,
> >>> 
> >>> Two other helpful members of this list told me
> how to
> >> edit the pap-secrets file, and I have done so
> successfully. I tried to connect via wvdial but still had
> trouble.  
> >>> Here's the report from the terminal from
> my first
> >> attempt:
> >>> carolyn@carolyn-desktop:~$ sudo wvdial
> >>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
> >>> --> Initializing modem.
> >>> --> Sending: ATZ
> >>> ATZ
> >>> OK
> >>> --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1
> &D2
> >> +FCLASS=0
> >>> ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> >>> OK
> >>> --> Modem initialized.
> >>> --> Sending: ATDT495-1000
> >>> --> Waiting for carrier.
> >>> ATDT495-1000
> >>> CONNECT 460800 --> Carrier detected. 
> Starting PPP
> >> immediately.
> >>> --> Starting pppd at Wed Dec 17 18:21:54
> 2008
> >>> --> Pid of pppd: 9054
> >>> --> Using interface ppp0
> >>> --> local  IP address
> >>> --> remote IP address
> >>> --> primary   DNS address
> >>> --> secondary DNS address
> >>> 
> >>> Caught signal 2:  Attempting to exit
> gracefully...
> >>> --> Terminating on signal 15
> >>> --> Connect time 1.7 minutes.
> >>> --> Disconnecting at Wed Dec 17 18:23:40
> 2008
> >>> 
> >>> I waited a couple of minutes after it showed
> the DNS
> >> addresses, and opened Firefox, but couldn't
> navigate to
> >> any online sites.  So I hit ctrl-C to exit.  
> >>> Then I edited the wvdial.conf file to comment
> out
> >> "Stupid Mode = yes".  I tried wvdial
> again, and
> >> here's what the terminal showed:
> >>> carolyn@carolyn-desktop:~$ sudo wvdial
> >>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
> >>> --> Initializing modem.
> >>> --> Sending: ATZ
> >>> ATZ
> >>> OK
> >>> --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1
> &D2
> >> +FCLASS=0
> >>> ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
> >>> OK
> >>> --> Modem initialized.
> >>> --> Sending: ATDT495-1000
> >>> --> Waiting for carrier.
> >>> ATDT495-1000
> >>> CONNECT 460800 --> Carrier detected. 
> Waiting for
> >> prompt.
> >>> CVX Access Switch.
> >>> Access is restricted to authorized users only.
> >>> login: --> Looks like a login prompt.
> >>> --> Sending: guest
> >>> guest
> >>> password: --> Looks like a password prompt.
> >>> --> Sending: (password)
> >>> Exiting shell, and starting PPP session.
> >>> ~[7f]}#@!}!}!} }8}!}$}%\}"}&} }*}
> }
> >> }%}&:ZRF}'}"}(}"*G~
> >>> --> PPP negotiation detected.
> >>> --> Starting pppd at Wed Dec 17 18:26:01
> 2008
> >>> --> Pid of pppd: 9183
> >>> --> Using interface ppp0
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> local  IP address
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> remote IP address
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> primary   DNS address
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> secondary DNS address
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> Caught signal 2:  Attempting to exit
> gracefully...
> >>> --> Terminating on signal 15
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> Connect time 1.8 minutes.
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> pppd:
> ��[06][08]H�[06][08]
> >>> --> Disconnecting at Wed Dec 17 18:27:54
> 2008
> >>> 
> >>> I tried the same procedure of opening Firefox
> and
> >> navigating to a real web site, but with no luck. 
> Am I not
> >> waiting long enough, or is there still a problem?
> >>> Thank you again for your detective work!
> >>> 
> >>> Devon
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> --- On Wed, 12/17/08, Jacques Goldberg
> >> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>>> From: Jacques Goldberg
> >> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx>
> >>>> Subject: Re: unable to connect with
> internal modem
> >> under Ubuntu
> >>>> To: "Linmodems"
> >> <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Devon
> Brewer"
> >> <interscientific@xxxxxxxxx>
> >>>> Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:52
> PM
> >>>> Devon and list:
> >>>> this thread was long and I believe that I
> solved
> >> it -
> >>>> sufficiently general saga worth being in
> archive.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Devon has an HSF modem in his Ubuntu 8.04
> box.
> >>>> He correctly installed the driver but
> could not
> >> achieve a
> >>>> connection.
> >>>> I have the same modem on my RedHat
> modified (aka
> >> Scientific
> >>>> Linux) in my box.
> >>>> I met no problem getting connected first
> to my
> >> University
> >>>> then to Devon's ISP
> >> with S.L.
> >>>> I then loaded my old Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD,
> >> installed the
> >>>> driver (from the generic file, not the
> >> precompiled), from
> >>>> Linuxant.
> >>>> Either with wvdial or with the Ubuntu
> >> System->Administration->Network tool, I
> immediately
> >>>> got connected to my University but
> experienced the
> >> same
> >>>> rejection as observed by Devon with his
> ISP.
> >>>> I have no scruple disclosing the username,
> >> password and
> >>>> phone number of his ISP because they are
> publicly
> >> displayed
> >>>> on the Web page quoted above. The username
> was
> >> aptly chosen
> >>>> as "guest" by the ISP.
> >>>> 
> >>>> The debugging option of pppd (syslog) made
> me find
> >> out that
> >>>> the cause was a PAP rejection.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Lo and behold, the file 
> /etc/ppp/pap-secrets on
> >> the Ubuntu
> >>>> 7.04 Live CD, and probably every Ubuntu
> distro,
> >> contains a
> >>>> block of restricted user id's to which
> >> dialling is
> >>>> denied. Of course my RedHat based system
> does not
> >> have that
> >>>> block.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Sure enough, "guest" is in the
> blacklist
> >> !!!
> >>>> Devon: locate that line in
> /etc/ppp/pap-secrets ,
> >> insert a
> >>>> # at the beginning to make it ignored by
> pppd, and
> >> let me
> >>>> know if you get connected, as I did. I am
> really
> >> eager to
> >>>> know that you too can now connect.
> >>>> I tried with the Ubuntu network manager
> above, 
> >> not with
> >>>> wvdial, because Ubuntu sufficiently mocks
> Windows
> >> in hiding
> >>>> things and decides for the user what he
> wants to
> >> do without
> >>>> letting him ask, user assumed to be
> readily dumbed
> >> to the
> >>>> 200 % level by Microsoft. Simply, I never
> could
> >> find how to
> >>>> disable the Ethernet and Wifi interfaces
> under
> >> Ubuntu: you
> >>>> disable them, within up to 30 seconds they
> are
> >> back, forcing
> >>>> routes and DNS's which you do not want
> for the
> >> analog
> >>>> modem connection.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Jacques
> >>>> 
> >>>> Jacques
> >>> 
> >>> 
> > 
> > 
> >


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