Re: Sally USA Mandriva Toshiba A105 scanModem picks up WRONG sound info, directions not working

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Marvin, this is the output:
Is it a terrible error to unpack the new slmodemd.gcc4.1.tar.gz on the mandriva desktop? 
after I ran this I went back to find the directions to put it in usr/bin, 
and reran the below, but it did not change anything. find said still one slmodemd
in usr/bin. 

[samsonsfleece@localhost Desktop]$ su - root
[root@localhost ~]# chmod a+x /home/samsonsfleece/Desktop/SLMODEMD.gcc4.1/slmodemd
[root@localhost ~]# /home/samsonsfleece/Desktop/SLMODEMD.gcc4.1/slmodemd
error: mdm setup: cannot stat `/dev/slamr0': No such file or directory
error: cannot setup device `/dev/slamr0'
[root@localhost ~]# slmodemd -c USA --alsa hw:0,6
error: mixer setup: attach hw:0 error: No such device
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1357:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
error: alsa setup: cannot open playback device 'hw:0,6': No such device
error: cannot setup device `hw:0,6'
[root@localhost ~]# modprobe snd-seq-device
[root@localhost ~]# modprobe snd-pcm-oss
[root@localhost ~]# modprobe snd_seq_dummy
[root@localhost ~]# modprobe snd-seq-midi
[root@localhost ~]# modprobe snd-seq-oss
[root@localhost ~]# slmodemd -c USA --alsa hw:0,6
error: mixer setup: attach hw:0 error: No such device
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1357:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
error: alsa setup: cannot open playback device 'hw:0,6': No such device
error: cannot setup device `hw:0,6'
[root@localhost ~]# /home/samsonsfleece/Desktop/SLMODEMD.gcc4.1/slmodemd -c USA --alsa hw:0,6
error: mixer setup: attach hw:0 error: No such device
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1357:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
error: alsa setup: cannot open playback device 'hw:0,6': No such device
error: cannot setup device `hw:0,6'

-----Original Message-----
>From: Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Jul 20, 2008 10:21 AM
>To: from sally <sallyhan2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Linmodems <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Sally USA Mandriva Toshiba A105 scanModem picks up WRONG sound info, directions not working
>Comparisons between Vista and Linux are valueless, because the
>Operating Systems are so different.
>Please send to the List (not directly to me),
>The output of under your CPU=i686,  Debian Linux version
>$ su root
>Because opening COMM channels requires root permission. Then the
># slmodemd  -c USA --alsa hw:0,6
>If it fails to report port creation, load modules that would normall
>be loaded, it the HDA audio were being used for sound support. Some of
>them may be needed for modem support.  Load with:
># modprobe snd-seq-device
># modprobe snd-pcm-oss
># modprobe snd_seq_dummy
># modprobe snd-seq-oss
># modprobe snd-seq-midi
>The others will load automatically through dependencies.
>Then again test.
># slmodemd  -c USA --alsa hw:0,6
>Their may be a side benefit that audio function will be turned on.
>>> lsmod | grep snd
>>>snd_hda_intel         344728  3
>>>snd_pcm_oss            42144  0
>>>snd_mixer_oss          17920  1 snd_pcm_oss
>>>snd_pcm                78596  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
>>>snd_page_alloc         11400  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
>>>snd_hwdep              10500  1 snd_hda_intel
>>>snd_seq_dummy           4868  0
>>>snd_seq_oss            35584  0
>>>snd_seq_midi            9376  0
>>>snd_rawmidi            25760  1 snd_seq_midi
>>>snd_seq_midi_event      8320  2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi
>>>snd_seq                54224  6
>>>snd_timer              24836  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
>>>snd_seq_device          9612  5
>>>snd                    56996  17
>>>soundcore               8800  1 snd
>On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 10:12 AM, from sally <sallyhan2@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Marv
>> Thank you for your note. When I did slmodemd .... -c USA using hw:0,6, no output came out with
>> ports like it should have.
>> I am going to do the lspci & " -nv right now and will send you the results. I noticed also in Vista that
>> under Sound there are at least ten drivers, like your example.
>> Sally
>> -----Original Message-----
>>>From: Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>Sent: Jul 20, 2008 9:45 AM
>>>To: from sally <sallyhan2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>Cc: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>Subject: Re: Sally USA Mandriva Toshiba A105 scanModem picks up WRONG sound info, directions not working
>>>Send us the output of
>>>$ lspci
>>>$ lspci -nv
>>>This should report on all the PCI cards.
>>>scanModem is in part just reporting what the ALSA diagnositics have
>>>written to /proc/asound/ sub-folders.  You can read them as text
>>>files.  But therein is certainly:
>>>The ALSA verion is 1.0.16
>>>The modem cards detected by "aplay -l"  are:
>>>card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]
>>>The /proc/asound/pcm file reports:
>>>00-06: Si3054 Modem : Si3054 Modem : playback 1 : capture 1
>>>00-00: ALC861VD Analog : ALC861VD Analog : playback 1 : capture 2
>>>about /proc/asound/cards:
>>> 0 [SB             ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB
>>>                     HDA ATI SB at 0xc0400000 irq 17
>>>If not a Conexant modem, the driver snd-hda-intel with its dependent drivers:
>>>snd_hda_intel         295196  1
>>>snd_hwdep              13572  1 snd_hda_intel
>>>provide audio + modem support with the modem chip residing on the subsystem.
>>>Any particular card can host any one of several soft modem chips.
>>> The modem codec file for the HDA card is: /proc/asound/card0/codec#0
>>>Codec: Generic 11c1 Si3054
>>>Address: 0
>>>Vendor Id: 0x11c13026
>>>What is unusual is that many additional dependent drivers  would be
>>>expected under
>>>snd_hda_intel         295196  1
>>>snd_hwdep              13572  1 snd_hda_intel
>>>for normal sound support of a
>>>PCI slot       PCI ID          SubsystemID     Name
>>> ----------     ---------       ---------       --------------
>>> 00:14.2        1002:437b       1179:ff10       Audio device: ATI
>>>Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller
>>>On my system using a HDA card fror sound:
>>> lsmod | grep snd
>>>snd_hda_intel         344728  3
>>>snd_pcm_oss            42144  0
>>>snd_mixer_oss          17920  1 snd_pcm_oss
>>>snd_pcm                78596  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
>>>snd_page_alloc         11400  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
>>>snd_hwdep              10500  1 snd_hda_intel
>>>snd_seq_dummy           4868  0
>>>snd_seq_oss            35584  0
>>>snd_seq_midi            9376  0
>>>snd_rawmidi            25760  1 snd_seq_midi
>>>snd_seq_midi_event      8320  2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi
>>>snd_seq                54224  6
>>>snd_timer              24836  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
>>>snd_seq_device          9612  5
>>>snd                    56996  17
>>>soundcore               8800  1 snd
>>>If may be that a similar set of drivers has to be manually loaded
>>>before on your System before the modem can be adequately served.
>>>Does the command pair:
>>>$ su root
>>># slmodemd -c USA --alsa hw:0,6
>>>succeed in creating ports.
>>>Sadly, PC assemblers at times use their batch bought components in ways bizarre,
>>>to use up their residual compenents, of course only caring that it
>>>works under Microsoft.
>>>In your case the, HDA card seens to have been put in only to support
>>>its modem function under Microsoft.
>>>On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 2:54 AM, from sally <sallyhan2@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>This is Sally again, I sent scanModem MODEMDATA results last week, and they failed to work.
>>>> If this message comes twice, it's 'cause I sent it before realizing maybe I have to re-subscribe
>>>> in order for it to post, so its sent twice.
>>>>>>I know now scanModem didnt work, same as Mandriva newly installed, as
>>>> setup only 'sees' the (hard) videocard's sound section (ATI) which
>>>>>>I am pretty sure Vista is not using for this Toshiba laptop's sound setup. The ATI is our graphics
>>>>>>card which may have a sound area, but not in use according to SOUND PROPERTIES under control panel.
>>>>>>There is another 'soft' sound card listed in  Vista/Control Panel/Programs, made by Realtek,
>>>>>>that the modem depends on, listed under /sound/control panel in vista. ScanModem isnt seeing it.
>>>>>>I am calling it a 'soft' sound card, because its listed as a removable program Realtek Audio, along with
>>>> the Toshiba Soft Modem.
>>>> Apparently the Linux install isnt picking up the required Realtek to install, as its a software.
>>>> So with no sound, how can the modem work?
>>>>>>In Mandriva newly installed, it "detects" the ATI card as the sound card, when in Vista we
>>>>>>use ATI only for video, and the sound for modem is REALTEK. In Mandriva, setup detected this ATI card,
>>>>>>and auto-attempted to set up during install with --alsa driver snd_hda_intel, it fails to work for sound at all, in Linux.
>>>>>>Probably because, its bypassed by this 'softsoundcard' in Toshiba's setup, entirely, or relies on this
>>>>>>soft program for Realtek somehow which ModemData's fix misses. --alsa driver 'snd_hda_intel is
>>>> also the one recommended by scanModem, on ModemData, but yet we have no sound in linux.
>>>>>>Has anyone with a 2year old Laptop from Toshiba (Satellite A105) already messed around with
>>>>>>installing their modem under linux, to help? I will write what I find listed thru Vista
>>>>>>about the modem, its 'drivers', how it reports back on query, etc. below. I dont think the
>>>>>>scanmodem tool is going to suffice since it is reporting the wrong, non-dependant sound card.
>>>>>Is there such a thing as figuring out where this Realtek Sound Program physically is in the Toshiba
>>>>>setup, copying it on a disk, and making WINE open it to work under LINUX? Or the Toshiba Soft Modem itself?
>>>>>PROPERTIES: modem
>>>>>>drivers: AGERE
>>>>>>AGRSM.sys 2.1.73
>>>>>>modem.sys 6.0.6000     -------- this is all in the ModemData that I sent from scan modem.
>>>>>>This (sound) is never referred to in ModemData from scan modem: - only ATI is, our graphics card.
>>>>>>PROPERTIES: sound 'card': Realtek Semiconductor Corp 11/17/2006
>>>>>>Realtek High Definition Audio Driver (w/SRS)
>>>>>>location 3 (internal high definition audio bus)
>>>>>>drmt.sys 6.0.6000
>>>>>>portcls.sys 6.0.6000
>>>>>>RTKVHDA.sys built by WinDKK
>>>>>>RtkAPO.dll 11.0.5600.13 built by WinDKK
>>>>>>SysFxUI.dll 6.0.6000.16386
>>>>>>WMALFKGFXDSP.dll 11.0.6000.6324
>>>>>>This is what modem answers when queried in Vista:
>>>>>>atq0v1e0 succcess at+gmm h.324 video-ready rev. 1.0
>>>>>>at+fclass=? 0,1
>>>>>>at#cls=? command not supported
>>>>>>at+gci? +gci:b5
>>>>>>at+gci? +gci:(00,01,0,04,06,07,09,0a,0b,0c,0d,0e,0f,10,11,12,14,15,16,19,1a,1b,1d,1e,1f,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,29,2b,2d,2e,2f,31,32,33,35,36,37,38,3c,3d,40,41,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,4b,4c,4d,4e,4f,50,51,52,53,54,57,58,59,5q,5b,5e,5f,61,62,63,64,66,68,69,6a,6b,6c,6d,6
>>>>>>ati1 success
>>>>>>ati2 success
>>>>>>ati3 toshiba software modem version 2.1.73
>>>>>>ati4 built on 8/30/2006 14:52;53
>>>>>>ati5 2.1.73 hda mb hda a1 s-ref:g L-rev:c,19
>>>>>>ati6 success
>>>>>>ati7 hda mb
>>>>>>Thank you anybody! Ive spent two days trying to hammer in the directions from ModemData to no avail till I saw this difference
>>>>>>tonight setting up Mandriva with (no sound).
>>>>>>Here is copy of ModemData again, directions didnt work.
>>>>>  System information ----------------------------
>>>>>CPU=i686,  Debian GNU/Linux lenny/sid
>>>>>Linux version (root@Knoppix) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Debian 4.2.3-2)) #2 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 25 21:35:28 CET 2008
>>>>> scanModem update of:  2008_07_10
>>>>> There are no blacklisted modem drivers in /etc/modprobe*  files
>>>>>USB modems not recognized
>>>>>For candidate card in slot 00:14.2, firmware information and bootup diagnostics are:
>>>>> PCI slot      PCI ID          SubsystemID     Name
>>>>> ----------    ---------       ---------       --------------
>>>>> 00:14.2       1002:437b       1179:ff10       Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller
>>>>> Modem interrupt assignment and sharing:
>>>>> 17:       1082   IO-APIC-fasteoi   wifi0, HDA Intel
>>>>> --- Bootup diagnostics for card in PCI slot 00:14.2 ----
>>>>>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:14.2[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
>>>>>===== Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) diagnostics =====
>>>>>The ALSA packages provide audio support and also drivers for some modems.
>>>>>ALSA diagnostics are written during bootup to /proc/asound/ folders.
>>>>> PCI slot 00:14.2 has a High Definition Audio Card
>>>>> The drivers are in the kernel modules tree at:
>>>>> /lib/modules/
>>>>>The ALSA verion is 1.0.16
>>>>>The modem cards detected by "aplay -l"  are:
>>>>>card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]
>>>>>The /proc/asound/pcm file reports:
>>>>>00-06: Si3054 Modem : Si3054 Modem : playback 1 : capture 1
>>>>>00-00: ALC861VD Analog : ALC861VD Analog : playback 1 : capture 2
>>>>>about /proc/asound/cards:
>>>>> 0 [SB             ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB
>>>>>                      HDA ATI SB at 0xc0400000 irq 17
>>>>>If not a Conexant modem, the driver snd-hda-intel with its dependent drivers:
>>>>>snd_hda_intel         295196  1
>>>>>snd_hwdep              13572  1 snd_hda_intel
>>>>>provide audio + modem support with the modem chip residing on the subsystem.
>>>>>Any particular card can host any one of several soft modem chips.
>>>>> The modem codec file for the HDA card is: /proc/asound/card0/codec#0
>>>>>Codec: Generic 11c1 Si3054
>>>>>Address: 0
>>>>>Vendor Id: 0x11c13026
>>>>>Subsystem Id: 0x11790001
>>>>>Revision Id: 0x100700
>>>>>Modem Function Group: 0x1
>>>>> The audio card hosts a softmodem chip:  0x11c13026
>>>>>The softmodem chip 0x11c13026 is in principle supported by the COMM support of slmodemd
>>>>>and the joint snd-hda-intel audio+modem driver, begun with ALSA version 1.0.13.
>>>>>For HDA cards with ALC883 chips, an upgrade to ALSA verions 1.0.15 way be necessary. Instructions for upgrading snd-hda-intel and its dependent driver set are at:
>>>>>=== Finished firmware and bootup diagnostics, next deducing cogent software. ===
>>>>>Predictive diagnostics for card in bus 00:14.2:
>>>>>       Modem chipset  detected on
>>>>>NAME="Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller "
>>>>> For candidate modem in:  00:14.2
>>>>>   0403 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller
>>>>>      Primary device ID:  1002:437b
>>>>>    Subsystem PCI_id  1179:ff10
>>>>>    Softmodem codec or chipset from diagnostics: 0x11c13026
>>>>>                               from    Archives:
>>>>>                        The HDA card softmodem chip is 0x11c13026
>>>>>Support type needed or chipset:        slmodemd supporting the snd-hda-intel audio+modem driver
>>>>> An ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) modem driver:  snd-hda-intel
>>>>> provides Low Level support enabling contact with the modem hardware.
>>>>> For all BUT Conexant chip soft modems (using hsfmodem software)
>>>>> complementary High Level support is through a Smartlink utility:  slmodemd
>>>>> Download from
>>>>> the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.2.tar.gz having a compiled slmodemd. Unpack under Linux with:
>>>>>       $ tar zxf SLMODEMD.gcc4.2.tar.gz
>>>>> and read instructions therein. But briefly, the modem is setup with command:
>>>>>        slmodemd -c YOUR_COUNTRY --alsa hw:0,6
>>>>> reporting dynamic creation of ports:
>>>>>       /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/N   , with N some number
>>>>> Read DOCs/Smartlink.txt and Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt for follow through guidance.
>>>>>----------------end Softmodem section --------------
>>>>>Writing DOCs/Smartlink.txt
>>>>>============ end Smartlink section =====================
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