I managed to make my Zoom V.92 PC Card modem (Model 3075, the one with an "L" in the serial number) work on my laptop under Ubuntu 8.04, and thought I should report the solution since I had earlier asked the list for advice. There had actually been two problems: (1) an irq conflict, and (2) a modem initialization problem (caused, of all things, by the modem command ATZ used by wvdial). Here are the details. (1) My modem, /dev/ttyS0, uses irq 3 (as I discovered with setserial), but often either did not react at all, or very slowly. The symptoms perfectly fit the description in Section 12.5 of the "Linux Serial HOWTO" ("Extremely Slow: Text appears on the screen slowly after long delays"). Setting the modem's irq to 0 with "sudo setserial /dev/ttyS0 irq 0" resolved this. According to the Linux Serial HOWTO, this proved that there was indeed an irq conflict; it was stated there as well, however, that using irq 0 is not a good idea. When I changed the irq of my modem (somewhat at random), the interrupt problem did not go away. To find the other device using irq 3 as well, I looked in the kernel log. Found many entries (probably one per boot) of the form: "nsc_ircc_pnp_probe() : From PnP, found firbase 0x2F8 ; irq 3 ; dma 3" This seemed to indicate that nsc_ircc was the culprit also using irq 3. Googling, I found that nsc_ircc is an "irda module", where irda uses the infrared port. So that's what I had to disable. (I did not mind, since I am not using the infrared port.) I had to make sure the kernel does not load the module irda. By chance this was the example at http://wiki.debian.org/udev Following this example, I figured out with lsmod that irda uses (only) the module nsc_ircc. So I created in the directory "/etc/modprobe.d" two one-line files 1) "irda", with content "blacklist irda" 2) "nsc_ircc", with content "blacklist nsc_ircc" Rebooted. Now the kernel log did not mention irq 3 at all, and lsmod did not show either irda or nsc_ircc. And from now on, the modem always reacted very fast. (2) I had, however, still the following problem: Using "sudo wvdial", I could now successfully connect to my internet service provider. But whenever wvdial sent my username in response to the login prompt, the modem only transmitted some of the letters ("ooeeoer.Net" instead of "souzavonessen@xxxxxxxxxx"). I eventually discovered that this is caused by the ATZ command inserted in /etc/wvdial.conf by wvdialconf. In /etc/wvdial.conf, I commented out all initialization commands. Starting minicom once and then exiting resets the modem to usable defaults. Afterwords, "sudo wvdial" manages to establish working internet connections. If for some reason the command ATZ is sent to the modem (I did this when testing), starting and exiting minicom resets the modem again. My pc card modem is now working fine. Many thanks to all of you who make linmodems.org and all its services work!