Dear Dr Wawarta,
Our site,, of which I am taking care,
shows at the beginning a list of the contents.
If you read the list until line 3, you will see
Beginner's Linux documentation
Please make the effort to use that link to learn basic Linux.
- cat prints to the end: yes, because cat copies files, and the
display, under Unix and Linux, is a file like any other file.
- do man less to learn how to browse back and forth in a file.
- you CANNOT have both drivers at the same time. Only ONE of slmodemd
and hsf drivers has a chance to work, and while you try ONE, the other
must have been removed from the computer.
- to see if slmodemd works, try hw:0,6 as the instructions says, and
hw:0,1 if hw:0,6 is rejected.
-but from what you write in your section 2 , when you say you "have
contact and wvdial works" it could be that the hsf is the right driver,
although I am surprised to read what you wrote because having contact
and seeing wvdial work seems to me IMPOSSIBLE without having edited
/etc/wvdial.conf since the modem will not dial using wvdial if the ISP
phone number has not been placed in /etc/wvdial.conf !!!
- to edit a file with gedit , do gksudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
or use the very simple text editor sudo nano /etc/wvdial.conf
Dr. Rainer Wawarta wrote:
Dear Joern, Dear MarvS,
The internal 56K modem seems to have some contact with
slmodemd. Next step is, that I need the last number X
of the command:
sudo slmodemd -c GERMANY -a hw:0,X
$ ls proc/asound/card0
codec#2 id oss-mixer pxm0c pcm0p pcm1p
How do I use the command cat, that it shows not
only the end of the file ? (I have Linux only for
three days and neither the handbook nor the command
man shows it.)
I installed Conexant driver as suggested by MarvS
it showed something like no modem or modem in use.
When I connected the external 33,6K modem the
Conexant had contact. wvdial also works. But I cannot
edit the phonenumber and others into wvdial.conf
because of lack of basic knowledge:
$ ls /etc
shows a file called wvdial.conf among others
$ sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
results in
cannot open display
Joern Wuestenfeld wrote:
Dear Rainer,
the commands, that you used to start slmodemd, are slightly wrong. The
command should look like:
sudo slmodemd -c GERMANY -a hw:0,X
here you have to replace the X by the number of the codec, that the
sound card uses for the modem.This number can be found by looking at the
file sin /proc/asound/card0. There should be two file s starting with
codec#. If you look at these files with cat, they will show at the
beginning some information about the hardware.
For example:
Codec: Generic 11c1 Si3054
Address: 1
Vendor Id: 0x11c13026
Subsystem Id: 0x11c13026
Revision Id: 0x100600
Modem Function Group: 0x1
Normally the file codec#0 describes the sound device (DSP and ADC).
While codec#1 describes the modem.
In addition there should be some directories pcmXx, where X is a number
and x is either 'c' or 'p'.
Normal sound cards hva at least two directories pcm(1/2)c and one pcm1p.
If there is a modem, then there are two more directories pcmX(c/p). The
number X in these directory names has to be used for the X in the above
slmodemd command.
Example: My machine has:
ls /proc/asound/card0
codec#0 codec#1 id oss_mixer pcm0c pcm0p pcm2c pcm6c pcm6p
so I use "slmodemd -c GERMANY -a hw:0,6"
Hope this helps,