hi i ran scanmodem and determined the modem i use. i downloaded the package http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/pctel-linux/pctel-0.9.7-9-rht-7.tar.gz and tried to install it. but i got the error message list the one lilsted below "debian:~# cd pctel-0.9.7-9-rht-7 debian:~/pctel-0.9.7-9-rht-7# ./setup checking for running kernel version...2.6.18 checking for ptserial...ptserial-2.6.c checking for gcc...4.1.2 checking for kernel gcc version...4.1.2 searching for kernel includes...found at /lib/modules/2.6.18-4-686/build/includechecking for autoconf.h.../lib/modules/2.6.18-4-686/build/include/linux/autoconf.h checking for asm/mach-default...yes checking for kernel version in utsrelease.h...t.c:1:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory t.c: In function 'main': t.c:4: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' ../configure: line 476: ./t: No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `./t': No such file or directory ** error could not determine a proper UTS_RELEASE ** compilation error please read the FAQ about reporting compilation problems and report this problem. A transcript of the build process has been saved in src/make.log. When reporting problems to the development team, please send us this file. debian:~/pctel-0.9.7-9-rht-7#" can you help me in resolving this problem? i am using debian 2.6.18-4-686 etch gokul nath agnath123@xxxxxxxxx kerala india __________________________________________________________ Sent from Yahoo! Mail - a smarter inbox http://uk.mail.yahoo.com