Folks, For the last few months, I've been serving as MODERATOR for this List.This task is merely to receive submissions like that below, and chooseeither the ACCEPT or REJECT option. The ACCEPTed are automaticallyforwarded to the List and the REJECTs are trashed. Some 90% of theinitial List receipts are SPAM like that below, and the MODERATIONservice protects all on the List from such too abundant SPAM. As is, Security measures at my job site block Web mail, andsubmissions must await evening MODERTION. During the next few monthsthere is a lot of travel on my schedule, including long periods when Iwill not have Internet access at all. So others are needed who can serve this MODERATOR role. If you arewilling please reply just to me. I will put all Volunteers in contactwith one another, so you can switch off as need be. The true "Listowner" is "Russell Nelson" <nelson@xxxxxxxxxx>. When you want toswitch the MODERATOR task, he can direct the initial List submissionto the new MODERATOR. MarvS ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: <discuss-reject-1199040039.12475.pdnhegamceipcmapbjll@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>Date: 30 Dec 2007 18:40:39 -0000Subject: MODERATE for discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: list not shown <Recipient> The enclosed message was submitted to the discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx list. If you'd like to approve it for distribution to allthe subscribers, please e-mail: discuss-accept-1199040039.12475.pdnhegamceipcmapbjll@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Usually, this happens when you just hit the "reply" button. You cancheck the address to make sure that it starts with"discuss-accept". If this does not work, simply copy theaddress and paste it into the "To:" field of a new message. To reject the post and cause it to be returned to thesender, please send a message to: discuss-reject-1199040039.12475.pdnhegamceipcmapbjll@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Usually, it is easiest to hit the "reply-to-all" button, and thenremove all the addresses except the one starting with"discuss-reject". You do not need to copy the post in your response to accept orreject it. If you wish to send a comment to the sender of a rejectedpost, please include it between two marker lines starting with threepercent signs ('%'): %%% Start comment%%% End comment Thank you for your help! --- Enclosed, please find the posted message. ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: 振兴实业 <tfgjjhfcbvfgd@xxxxxxx>To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 02:42:38 +0800Subject: 【票据代理】贵公司负责人(经理/财务)您好! (如有打扰请谅解)。 本公司在(广州.东莞.上海.浙江.杭州.厦门.江苏.云南.贵州.南宁等地均有分公司),因进项较多现完成不了每月销售额度,每月有部分多余的普通发票可对外代开,代开范围:商品统一销售发票、工商企业发票、货物销售发票、广告发票、国际货运代理发票、建筑安装发票等等各种服务业发票)。 本公司收取税率优惠0.8%~1.5%之间。详细税率按照开票金额大小洽谈。本公司可以先开票给贵公司,贵公司收到验证没有问题后再付款。本公司确保所开出的发票是用正规途径代理代开出来的。本公司还可提供给代办人回扣服务。对于我们的合作关系是绝对保密。贵公司如有需要请来电联系。 深圳市振兴实业有限公司 联 系 人:张伟财【业务经理】 联系电话:159-9963-4848 业 务QQ:401939117 电子邮箱:sz48886888@xxxxxxx