Marvin and list. This is the info Stephen replied to me regarding your quetion on the 537EP deb package for Ubuntu 7.10 Regards, Carlos. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: S Pinker Date: 15 Nov 2007 02:11 Subject: Re: Intel 537EP driver for GUTSY To: Carlos Marcano <c.marcano@xxxxxxxxx> I'm not on the mailing list because I only like to give my email address out to a select few, so I'm glad you're relaying this information to me. You can send him my message, or one like this: The driver has NOT been tested by all variants of kernels. This is the same way linking was done with the Feisty 536EP & 537EP drivers, and out of about 500 downloads total, there were no reports of any problems. Using the same driver appears to run well with multiple kernels, given that there are only minor modifications between kernels. Obviously, this does not guarantee there won't be problems in future versions. You, Carlos, can be contacted on the mailing list, and both of us can be contacted on the Ubuntu Forums. Should anyone contact us about any problems, Carlos and I will do our best to correct the situation as soon as possible. Until such time, I assume that the driver will run as intended. Stephen Pinker