RE: Reducing speed

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While lunch break today I tried
$ lsmod
...lot of things
$ modprobe l2cap
$ modprobe bluetooth

Try redial and success after wvdial tried to dial several times.

Thanks a lot Marv

-----Original Message-----
From: Marvin Stodolsky [mailto:marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 8:43 AM
To: Robikhun (robihun)
Cc: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Reducing speed


Your modem is hosted on the
 8086:27d8  High Definition Audio (HDA): Intel Corporation 82801G
1558:5405 Subsystem
with info onSubsystem diagnostics:
Codec: Motorola Si3054
Vendor Id: 0x10573055 (wherein the 1057 is a Motorola ID)

For this class of HDA cards, the Subsystem does only a little more
than specify what the intended software is.  Most of the COMM smarts
is provided by the software, as implemented on the CPU mostly.
Under Microsoft, it is Motorola software,
Motorla however provides almost no Linux support.

Fortunately under Linux,  ALSA drivers plus Sasha Kharposky's slmodemd
(initially developed for Smartlink)  are supporting a diverse array of
soft modems, regardless of the chipset provider.

Since your modem did work for a while under Linux, there is something
not reproducible under Linux which we do not understand.
A procedure to try under these circumstances is to simplify your
System, by shutting down all functions non-essential for COMM, and
trying the dialout afterward.

So detach any auxilliary hardware. Then display your loaded modules
$ lsmod
from the top of the list down try unloading drivers with:
$ modprobe  DriverName
After unloading all you can, try a dialout.


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