Luis Your chipset 10573055 Motorola_Si3054 is in principle supported.But as Robicon relates, ALSA has not fully developed support forthe base:00-06: Si3054 Modem : Si3054 Modem : playback 1 : capture 100-02: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : capture 200-00: ALC883 Analog : ALC883 Analog : playback 1 : capture 2--------combination.More next week when I'm at a fast CONNECT MarvSscanModem maintainer On 10/14/07, lgalarra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <lgalarra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Thanks a lot for your interest!!!! I downloaded the indicated file and my> modem was recognized. Now I am writing this message from my house and> using my laptop with Ubuntu Linux and wvdial for the connection. Just a> question: there is a package in Ubuntu repositories called sl-modem-daemon> which seems to include that program. Is it the same, I downloaded???>> I also write a description of the followed steps:>> - I downloaded and descompress the file>> - cd SLMODEMD.gcc.4.1> - chmod +x slmodemd> - sudo ./slmodemd -c ECUADOR --alsa hw:0,6>> In another terminal, I ran:> - sudo wvdialconf wvtest> which generates an appropiate config file for wvdial. I edited that file> to include the options required for my dial-up ISP (username, password and> phone number)> - wvdial --config wvtest> which starts the connection.>> Finally I can connect without going to a cyber and using Linux. Thanks> again for your help!!! :D>> Atte,> Luis Galárraga>> PD: I am attaching the requested file.>