RE: Do they have an email where I can push this case up ? Only if you represent a major buyer of that chipset type, and will financially sponsor the Linux code development. While the LSI staff likes supporting Linux, they cannot be financially altruistic MarvS On 9/24/07, Marc <marq06@xxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > > Just did a fresh ubuntu install on a new HP/Compaq NX > 7300 Laptop, and got bad luck, the dial-up modem chip > is currently not supported by it's manufacturer LSI on > Linux. > > Really painfull, as all other hardware else just works > so fine (with a little tweaking)... > > I've seen messages in April 2007 stating their linux > team are working on it, does anybody have had the > chance to get more recent feedback from them ? Do they > have an email where I can push this case up ? > > Sorry for the wide distribution. > > And by the way, hats down to the people maintaining > the resources, you guyz do a great job > for the community ! > > Marc > > > _____________________________________________________________________________ > Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail >