Hi all,
I tried to install the version and you adviced to me and I even tried a
version in rpm format from the livna repository.
the installation is successfull.
I eventried to make the modprobe of slamr and and It worked as well
but when I have to execute the command slmodemd to start the daemon, I'll
obtain this error:
Cannt setup device /dev/slamr0
What is this error?
how can I solve it?
thanks in advance
best regards, Sauro
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marvin Stodolsky" <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Sauro Cesaretti" <cesaretti.sauro@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: Slmodem on fedocra core 7
Use the SLMODEMD.gcc4.1.tar.gz
If the system has not functioned before with slmodemd + SomeDriver
better run the
./scanModem and send us the output ModemData.txt.
If you want to compile your own from slmodem-2.9.11-20070813.tar.gz
an ALSA competent slmodemd MUST be compiled Within the modem/ subfolder.
modem # make clean
modem # make SUPPORT_ALSA=1
modem # cp slodemd /usr/sbin/slmodemd
scanModem maintainer
On 9/10/07, Sauro Cesaretti <cesaretti.sauro@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I need to install and configure slmodem on FD7 with kernel version
I'd like to know if it'll work correctly and which version should I use?
Is there any version already compiled in rpm format?
Thanks in advance for all information
Best regards, Sauro