Louis Lacking direct experience with x86_64 systems, Ludiś advice belowseems reasonable. The scanModem I maintain serves as arepository/reference of comments from those more knowledge than me.Mostly I´m am admin type whoś learned some bash scripting. MarvS On 7/14/07, Ludi Maciel <iludi@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Em Sáb, 2007-07-14 às 18:12 -0400, Marvin Stodolsky escreveu:> He should try linux32.> Whatever, for better results, install the 32 bit version of Fedora..> The transition to 64-bit is slow and the drivers are not broadly> available right now (see WinXP 64 or Vista, for instance).>> There is no real significant gain (if any) of process power with 64 bit> system in real life (for SOHO systems) for now. Unless you are running> very specific applications, I advise you to consider a reinstall using a> 32 bit Linux OS.>> Even Adobe's Flash player is not available for 64 bit system... (you> would have to use a wrapper).>> HTH> Ludi>>