Phiiippe & Thiago, Please copy your messages to the List as others will be interested. MarvS On 5/14/07, Philippe Vouters <Philippe.Vouters@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thiago, My 536EP driver performances: 1/ With CONFIG_HZ/100 in coredrv/rts.c [philippe@victor ~]$ examples/C/ttcp -r -s -p 50000 ttcp-r: buflen=8192, nbuf=2048, align=16384/0, port=50000 ttcp-r: sockbufsndsize=16384, sockbufrcvsize=87380, sockbufsize=51882, # tcp # ttcp-r: accept from ttcp-r: IO: Connection reset by peer ttcp-r: errno=104 ttcp-r: 7004160 bytes in 205.983 real seconds = 33.207 KB/sec +++ ttcp-r: 5131 I/O calls, msec/call = 41.108, calls/sec = 24.910 ttcp-r: 0.000user 0.000sys 3:25real 0% 2/ With CONFIG_HZ/100 replaced by one in coredrv/rts.c [philippe@victor ~]$ examples/C/ttcp -r -s -p 50000 ttcp-r: buflen=8192, nbuf=2048, align=16384/0, port=50000 ttcp-r: sockbufsndsize=16384, sockbufrcvsize=87380, sockbufsize=51882, # tcp # ttcp-r: accept from ttcp-r: IO: Connection reset by peer ttcp-r: errno=104 ttcp-r: 8978432 bytes in 192.744 real seconds = 45.490 KB/sec +++ ttcp-r: 6542 I/O calls, msec/call = 30.170, calls/sec = 33.941 ttcp-r: 0.002user 0.030sys 3:12real 0% -- Philippe Vouters (Fontainebleau/France)