The following is being forwarded to the List as it is cogent to othersproblems with Intel-536/537 modems, for which I have neither hardwarenor code expertise. MarvS ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Philippe Vouters <Philippe.Vouters@xxxxxxxxxxx>Date: May 14, 2007 4:35 PMSubject: Re: Try thisTo: Thiago Franco de Moraes <totonixsame@xxxxxxxxx>Cc: Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx> Hello Thiago, I am pretty glad of this good 537EP performance. I shall check with my 536EP driver whether I can get even betterperformances by tuning coredrv/rts.c: mod_timer(&rs_timer,jiffies+CONFIG_HZ/100); replacing CONFIG_HZ/100 by something even lower (in 2.6.19 kernel, thiswas set to 1). With this set to 1, I could get 60KB/sec TCP/IPperformances using my ttcp program between my Windows connected toWifi->ADSL link and my Linux connected to a dialup 44kbits/sec link. For the compilation problem, you should to file a bug against gcc 4.1.2. Yours truly,Philippe Le lundi 14 mai 2007 à 16:09 -0300, Thiago Franco de Moraes a écrit :> Philippe, With this change my modem 537EP works very good. It is better> than patched version I sent to you.> Input: up to 11Kbps.>> Do I need to send dmesg output to you?>> Thanks.>