Re: rjefferey, USA Ubuntu 6.10, 2.6.17-10-generic

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Ok RJ, no problem.
Just, please try to keep the thread in discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx because this is where it is archived - unless one of the persons on the thread ask you to go off line. Otherwise it is exceedingly difficult to follow.
I remembered very well your initial call for help with the Debian kernel
Then there was this message from Marv possibly charging the most recent slmodem driver not to work with 2.4.27, and then the thread had changed to 2.6.17. With an average flux of 20-25 messages daily, this was too much for my failing memory.
Now to the point.
Yes just follow what Marv writes, of course.
He has asent you a version of the driver specially compiled for your new 2.6.17-10 installation. He has also sent it to me, and I immediately stored it at the usual place
Copied again from Marv's mail:
" Under Linux, unpack with
> $ tar zxf slamr*.tar.gz
> Move in new folder made by tar with
> $ cd slamr-2.6.17-10-generic
> Look around
> $ ls
> Do the
> $ sudo ./setup
> and follow the output instructions.
> When rebooting, modem setup should be automatic, You
> should be able
> to dialout with
> $ sudo wvdial
and of course return to us, please to discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, if you have any further problem. In such a mail, please remind to the readers which steps you have taken from the beginning, and what went wrong (all details please). We cannot remember, nor help without details!
Keep up - Jacques

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