Jusuf With respect to the wvdial problem you will have to check the Mandiva list. The failure of he command: aplay -l | grep -i modem to display the modem shows that an ALSA update is needed to support the 0x11c13055 AgereSystems modem on the HDA audio card. Your compiling resources appear complete: make utility - /usr/bin/make Compiler version 4.1 kernel_headers base folder /lib/modules/2.6.17-5mdv/build Make a definition you will need later: $ HEADERS=/lib/modules/2.6.17-5mdv/build Check for validity with: $ ls $HEADERS should show files like: arch include lib scripts block init Makefile security crypto ipc mm sound drivers kabi_whitelist Module.symvers symsets-2.6.18-1.2798.fc6.tar.gz fs kernel net usr This definition does not survive a shutdown and must be redone upon reboot, when a new driver compiling is necessary. Then from http://www.alsa-project.org/ download the version 1.0.13 driver and lib packages. Make a folder, say alsa/. $ mkdir alsa Unpack both packages in the alsa/ folder $ cd alsa $ tar jxf PATH_to/alsa*.tar.bz2 will unpack both. The versions 1.0.13 and later have the recognition code for the 0x11c13055 chip. To compile the driver set, move into the driver folder: $ cd alsa-driver-1.0.13 Look around: $ ls $ make clean Do the configuration with with the following command on ONE LINE: $ ./configure --with-kernel=$HEADERS --with-build=$HEADERS --with-cards=hda-intel If the configuration is successful, the driver set will be compiled with: $ make Do nothing in the alsa-lib-1.0.13/ folder. But it is used during the compile. The new driver set is displayed by: $ ls modules and installed by $ su root $ make install THen reboot to have the new drivers used. Again run ./scanModem there should an device specification slmodemd -c YOUR_COUNTRY --alsa hw:0,N when N will be likely 1 or 6 And the modem should be shown by $ aplay -l Try the command: $ su root # slmodemd -c INDONESIA --alsa hw:0,N Hopefully its will announce port creation MarvS On 1/7/07, Jusuf <jusuf@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is the new modemdata.txt with new scanmodem. Still have no luck with Carrier Check = no within wvdialconf Can you tell me where I can get wvdial for mdv2007? Mine had serious problem with libwvstream.so cause I cannot get the 2007.0 version, then I use 2006.0 version. Instead of wvdial, can I just use kppp? Thanks in advance. Cheers, jfdesign -----Original Message----- From: Marvin Stodolsky [mailto:marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 4:36 PM To: Jusuf Cc: DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: jfdesign, Indonesia Mandriva 2007.0 kernel 2.6.17-5mdv Jusuf RE: Code updated on: 2006_June_14 --- is to old. There may be more info if you use a current scanModem from http://linmodems.technion.ac.il Please send us the updated ModemData.txt RE: > But when dialing it always results nocarrier error. The /etc/wvdial.conf should contain a line: Carrier Check = no before dialing out with: $ su root $ wvdial MarvS On 1/5/07, Jusuf <jusuf@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Querying slmodem ttySL0 with wvdialconf and kppp with no errors. > > But when dialing it always results nocarrier error. > > > > Please advice, and thanks in advance. > > > > Cheers, > > > > jfdesign > > >