Re: Your hooks not right, solve this in cygwin with ./g -z

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On 24.10.2024 23.16, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi all,

"Read first, then ask" :)
My error was, that I have used Windows PowerShell, but the instruction in the README says "Open a Dos-Box with admin rights".

So WindowsKey+R.
Enter cmd and finish with Ctrl+Shift+Enter to get admin rights.
You are now in C:\Windows\System32>
Change to the specified folder .git/hooks
And then run the specified command
FOR /F " usebackq " %i IN (`dir /b ..\..\.git-hooks`) DO del /as /f %i & del %i & mklink %i ..\..\.git-hooks\%i

This replaces each of the four files commit-msg, post-merge, pre-commit and README with something of size 0 KB, that has Type .symlink

Before using the above, I had followed the first part of the instructions in README and run command cd .git/hooks && ln -s ../../.git-hooks/* ./

Now there are no error messages with using make.

For what it's worth, with the WSL instruction one is supposed to use the Git Bash terminal as a regular user and there at least the usual

cd .git/hooks && ln -s ../../.git-hooks/* ./

command should work.


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