On Mon, 15 Jul 2024 at 21:53, Thorsten Behrens <thb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A word of warning: from what I recall from the abortive tenders during
previous years - those estimates should ideally not come from anyone
affiliated with potential bidders (depending on the process details,
which IIRC is still not finalized, it might even disqualify bidders).
Now how does that make any sense?
Logically, the people who want to do the work are the most qualified to know how much of their time it would take to do the work.
Normally, in the Real World (tm), tenders have a scope, requirements, and goals to be met, different people/groups submit their proposed solutions and costs, and the tendering organisation picks a winning tender based on cost and other metrics.
More and more it feels to me like TDF staff are going out of their way to avoid actually awarding any tenders, which is quite suspicious.