8 May 2024, 21:24
Hi everyone,
For this week, my top priority is to make the new Histogram chart type selectable from the UI.
Initially, it will be a working copy of the existing basic bar/column chart type.
Then, I'll make the required changes with each passing iteration.
Here's the link to the PR: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/167068/
Best regards,
So, the Histogram Chart option is now visible over the UI currently which is just a working copy of Bar/Column chart types.
Now, the next task is to get the very basic Histogram chart being able to be shown with the Hardcoded values as currently it's nowhere near to what a Histogram looks like.
Here is the testing UI video link - https://youtu.be/4c85uNQAMSw
Some SS are also attached.